EIGHTEEN. in labor

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"Rosalie, pass the morphine

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"Rosalie, pass the morphine." Edward said.

I went to Bella's side, trying to take her pain. As soon as my hand touched her skin, I was hit with a wave of pain. I groaned but held on for the sake of Bella. I see Alice on the phone talking to Carlisle.

"Carlisle said the placenta must be detached." Alice said as Edward gave Bella the shot of morphine. "He's coming as fast as he can, but..."

"We'll have to do it." Rosalie said, grabbing a scalpel to cut Bella open.

Edward stops her, "Rose! Let the morphine spread."

"There's no point. He's dying."

"Get him out now!" Bella screamed, still in pain.

Even though I was taking Bella's pain, it wasn't enough. And I could feel the effects of taking too much of her pain. I had to let go; even if it was for a second, I had to. This cause Bella to scream even more as Rosalie then cuts Bella open.

"Look at me, Bella." Jacob says.

After making the cut, Rosalie gets distracted by Bella's blood on her hand.

"Rosalie, don't!" Edward yells out, and he pushes her aside. "Alice, get her out of here!"

"Rosalie! Ow!" Bella scream.

Alice leads Rosalie out of the room as I grab onto Bella again. I squeezed my eyes shut to distract myself from the pain, but it wasn't working.

"Save her!" Jacob screams as I open my eyes again. "You've got to change her!"

"I can't not whilst he's still in there. I got to get him out first." Edward says.

"Well, do it fast, Edward. I don't know how much longer I can take her pain."

Jacob turned to Bella, "Stay, Bella. Stay focused. Keep your heart beating."

"No! He's suffocating!" She yelled out.

Edward goes and rips the embryonic sac open with his teeth. Then he pulls out the baby. I chuckle and smile, seeing the beautiful baby girl.

"Okay. Hey. Hey hey. It's Renesmee." Edward says with a smile.

"You're beautiful." Bella tells the baby girl as I let go of her, not feeling any pain coming from her anymore.

Edward puts Renesmee in Bella's arms, and she smiles. Then the baby bites Bella, and Bella's heart stops. Edward grabs the baby back as Jacob gives Bella cpr.

"Bella? Bella? Bella!"

"Jacob, take the baby." Edward says, wanting to save Bella.

Jacob turns in disgust at the baby, "Keep that thing away from me!"

Rosalie then walks back into the room, all cleaned up, "Edward, I'll take her. I promise I'm okay. Let me."

Edward hesitated but gave the baby to Rosalie, and they both left the room. Edward then grabbed a syringe that I knew was full of his venom and injected it into Bella.

"What is that?"

"It's my venom." Edward answers.

I shake my head, "Edward, her heart stopped."

He gave me no mind and started CPR on Bella. I knew the venom wouldn't work since Bella's heart had already stopped. To be turned, you had to be on the brink of death for the venom to work. But Bella's heart stopped before Edward put his venom in her system. I watched with tears as Edward worked hard to bring her back, but nothing he did worked.

"Oh, my god." Jacob said. "I won't kill you. That'd be too easy. You deserve to live with this."

And with that, Jacob left the room. I turned back to Edward to see him still trying, but I just shook my head.

"Edward, you have to stop." I said.

"No, she has to make it. She has to. I can't lose her."

I tried grabbing him to stop him, but he just yanked his arm from my grasp, "Edward, she's gone."

"No! No." He screamed and started to bite her anywhere he saw fit.

I shook my head again and left the room, knowing I wouldn't get through to him. I headed outside, seeing Jacob sitting on the ground crying as Seth, Leah, Timmy, Kimiko, Auggie, and Milo looked at him. They then turned to me when I walked out. I just shook my head at them and wiped my eyes.

They knew. They knew that Bella didn't make it. They all liked to the ground in silence, no one knowing what to say. Then Jacob stands up and heads back into the house.

Auggie then ran up to me, hugging me. I immediately hugged him back, wanting him to be close. I couldn't imagine losing him. We both had already lost so much, and now we had just lost someone else we cared about.

Even though I hadn't known Bella long, I knew she made Edward happy. She was the light in his darkness since becoming a vampire. She made him not hate what he was. She made him smile a lot more than anyone could ever. Now he's lost her, and I don't know what he will do or how he'll act.

Bella is dead. obviously not really but you know what i mean.
there are only two more chapters left in part two.
hope you enjoy.

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