EIGHT. hunters... again

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Sam walks forward, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

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Sam walks forward, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for Esmeralda Holloway." The oldest-looking one said.

The pack turns to me, and I feel Auggie grab my hand and Paul walk closer to me. I walk a little forward to the three in front of us.

"I'm Esmeralda."

"We found you. The true alpha." The little boy said.

My brows furrowed as I looked at them, "You know me?"

"We know all about you." The girl answered.

The guy sighed, "We need your help."

I sighed, knowing full well why they were here. It was the same reason Scarlett found me. They need my help against the hunters.

"They're after you, aren't they?"

"Yeah. We don't know if they followed us to La Push, but the last we encountered them was in Seattle. But we managed to hop on a bus and get here."

The older guy must have seen my worried expression as he continued, "I'm sorry for putting this all on your shoulders, but we need you. We've heard how you defeated the hunters before. Think you can do it again?"

"What're your names?" I asked.

"I'm Timothy, but you can call me Timmy."

"I'm Kimiko."

"I'm Milo."

After a pause, Paul spoke, "You're telling me we have to deal with these hunters again?"

"Looks like it." Jared said.

Timmy sighed, "I'm sorry for bringing this drama to you guys. It's just we had nowhere else to go."

"It's alright, Timmy. It's nothing we haven't faced before since meeting Esmeralda and Auggie." Sam said.

"Well, you guys are safe here for now. They won't hurt you here. And even if they try, they'll have to go through me." I say.

"Thank you, Esmeralda. You have no idea how much this means to us." Timmy says as Kimiko and Milo smile.

"It's no problem. And I think I know just what you mean." I say and look at Scarlett, who smiles at me.

"Do you really think the hunters are gonna find you guys again?" Embry said, holding onto Scarlett, scared he might lose her.

"They found us before they could do it again."

I nod, "Auggie's right. Somehow they always find us. No matter what."

"But that Marcus guy is dead. Paul killed him. How are there more hunters after you guys?" Leah said.

"Just because Marcus is dead doesn't mean another hunter won't step up. The hunters are after us because of the Volturi. They send the hunters to find us no matter how many of them die at our hands. They want our kind gone." I explained.

Seth shrugged, "But maybe they won't find you this time. Maybe they lost you guys after Seattle."

As Seth finished his sentence, I heard an arrow flying through the air.

"Get down!" Timmy and I screamed out, and he pushed me out of the way.

The pack ducked down, but as Timmy pushed me out of the way, the arrow lodged into his stomach. He screamed and fell to the ground.

"Timmy!" Kimiko and Milo screamed out, going to his side.

"It's okay. I'm okay."

Then it hit me with the smell. It was wolfsbane, just like with Scarlett.

"It has wolfsbane on it." I say, going to his side.

Timmy shakes his head, "It's alright. Wolfsbane doesn't affect me." Then he pulls out the arrow and stands up, throwing it to the side.

"What do you mean wolfsbane doesn't affect you?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter right now. What matters is we get rid of them." Timmy points as the hunters emerge from the woods.

"Well, well, well, like at what we have here. Esmeralda Holloway. The true alpha." The guy in front cheers out.

I could tell he was the leader, but I had no clue who he was. He was a new face I hadn't encountered before. I stood tall as a leader should as the pack surrounded me to show that I wasn't alone.

"You clearly know my name. But I don't know yours. Who are you?" I ask.

The man chuckles, as does the rest of the hunters behind him, "My name is Chris."

"Well, Chris, I'd say it's nice to meet you, but I'd be lying, so let's cut to the chase. You and your hunter buddies need to leave."

"Leave? Oh no, we can't leave yet." He said.

"Why not? You know who I am. You know what I'm capable of, as well as my friends behind me."

Chris chuckled, "Oh, I know all about your friends."

"Then you know you shouldn't mess with them, or me for that matter."

"Fine, we'll leave." He said, turning around. "But if I do, you'll never know why I know you and your friends so well."

I turned to the pack, confused. I looked to Sam for advice on what to do, and he just gave me a look. I knew there had to be a reason he mentioned that fact.

I sighed, "Alright, I'll bite. Why do you know us so well?"

"I'm surprised you don't see it." Chris said, turning back to us. "I mean, I've been told I look a lot like my father."

"Should I know who your father is?"

Chris shook his head, "You should since it was you and your friends that killed him."

I thought for a second confused. I stared at the man named Chris, trying to see if he looked familiar. Scanning over his face and his features. Then it hit me.

"Your Marcus' son."

the hunters are back and they found Esmeralda and the pack but they're under a new leader.
hope you enjoy.

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