NINE. training completed

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It was Christmas Eve, and we spent this day with the Cullen's and then tomorrow with the pack

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It was Christmas Eve, and we spent this day with the Cullen's and then tomorrow with the pack. My pack and I just finished opening presents from the Cullen's, and they opened the ones we got them. Everyone laughed and talked, just spending time together before confronting the Volturi.

I could smell the small amount of fear from everyone about the upcoming day. But they all played it off so that we could have a day for some fun and joy. It was the holidays, after all, and it was supposed to be a time to be happy, not fearful.

After we opened presents and hung out some more, Auggie and my pack asked if we could get another day of training to prepare. I agreed, and everyone was outside, wanting to see my pack and me train. I knew Auggie wanted to fight me again to try and beat me so he could finish training. He was the only one besides Milo who hadn't beaten me in a fight. It frustrated him as he wanted to prove he was strong. I tried to tell him it takes time, but he would listen. So here we are.

"Ready, Auggie?" I said, standing across from him.


We got into position, and I could feel everyone's eyes on us as they were curious about our fighting. Auggie threw the first punch and unblocked him. He used his other hand to throw another punch, but I grabbed his hand and spun us around, and pushed him away.

He assumes position again, and I kick him, but he catches my foot. But I jump and kick him with my other foot and land on my two feet. He lets go of my foot, staggering back. I could see he was angry, but he wasn't mad at me but at himself.

"Don't be angry, Auggie." I said as we circled each other. "You have to focus, or you'll never beat me."

He sighs and lets go of his anger.

I smile, "Auggie, you're smart. Use your brain to beat me. You're an observer and pay attention to the small details. Use that to find your opponents' weaknesses when they fight."

He looks at me, confused, as we still circle each other.

"I have a weakness when I fight, everyone does. Find it, and you'll be able to beat me." I tell him, then throw a punch that he blocks.

I could see Auggie was studying me as we fought. As I throw punches or kicks that he blocked. I punched him as he was distracted and got him in the jaw. I staggered and held his jaw before shaking it off and putting his hands back up. He throws a punch, and I block, but he throws another, getting me in my side. And before I can recover, he kicks me in the stomach hard, sending me back. He goes to attack again, but I grab his arm and pull him one way while I go the other to recover.

He turns around, throws another punch, and I go to block. He fakes and uses his other hand. He punches me in the gut, and I stagger back, and he punches me again. Then as I'm disoriented, he kicks my legs out from under me, causing me to fall on my back. I got up on my elbows and looked at Auggie with a smile.

"You did it. You beat me." I said.

"I did it?" He questioned.

I stand off the floor, dusting off the dirt, "You did. And before you celebrate, I have one question for you."

"What is it?" Auggie asked.

"Why couldn't you beat me before?" I crossed my arms.

"What do you mean?"

"Every time we fought and you lost, what were you doing wrong that caused you to lose?" I said. "Think about it. Think back to every time we fought and analyze why you lost."

Auggie's brows furrowed as he thought back. It looked like his brain was about to explode from how hard he was thinking. Then he got it.

"It's because I hesitate, isn't it?" He said.

I nodded, "Every time we fought, whenever you got a hit in, you would hesitate to hit me again. That's what made it for me to beat you so easily. Your hesitation made me able to recover from your hits. But this time, you didn't hesitate. You kept going until you ultimately won."

"I did it? I won." Auggie said with a smile.

"Yup. You, Augustus Amedeo Holloway, have finished your training. Congratulations."

Auggie smiled brightly before jumping up and down.

"I did it! I did it!" He screamed.

Everyone started clapping and cheering for him. My pack all ran to Auggie and brought him into a group hug. Timmy pats him on the shoulder with a proud smile on his face.

"Congrats Auggie." They all said.

I walk up to him and bring him into our own hug.

"Good job, papito. I'm so proud of you. And I know mom would be too." I told him as we broke apart.

He had tears in his eyes, "Thanks, Mera. I love you."

"I love you too."

"That was some fighting." Garrett says, impressed. "Nice work, kid."

"Thanks. Think you could take on my sister?" Auggie says.

Garrett looks at me as my arms are crossed. He shakes his head, "I think you're sister should save her energy for the Volturi. Wouldn't want her to be tired."

"Yeah. Uh uh." Auggie says, and we all laugh at Garrett's response.

another training chapter but this time Auggie has completed his training.
to be honest with you guys i have no clue if some of this fighting things are true because i've never been in or been taught how to fight properly. so i have no clue if what i wrote made any sense so for the sake of the book just pretend you understand it.
hope you enjoy.

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