TWELVE. the redcoats

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This was it

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This was it. Here we all stood, waiting for the Volturi to arrive. The wolf pack we're staying in the woods for them to come first before revealing themselves. My pack and I stood in the field with the vampires, as the Volturi knew about us, so we didn't have to hide.

I had Auggie to my right, and he held onto my hand. Kimiko stood tall to his right and had her hand close to her belt just in case. Scarlett stood to my left as my beta and Timmy and Milo was behind us, with Milo holding tightly to Timmy's hand. My pack showed no fear even though we all felt it, but we didn't want the Volturi to see it.

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman." I heard Garrett say to Kate.

"Now you tell me."

Then we hear them. The Volturi and their army are getting closer to the clearing.

"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming!" Garrett said.

Suddenly Aro and his army become visible, and it's clear they outnumber all of us. I see Edward watch Aro as they walk towards them.

"Aro's looking for Alice." Edward says.

As Aro and his army get closer, the wolf pack comes out to join all of us. Jacob, in his wolf form, comes and goes to stand next to Bella, Renesmee, and Edward. While Paul, Embry, Seth, and Leah stand close to my pack and me in their wolf forms. Aro and his army stand in a line facing us, then Carlisle walks forward.

"Aro, Let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner."

"Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us." Aro says.

Carlisle shakes his head, "I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools." Caius sneers.

"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks." Carlisle tried to convince them.

"Artifice!" Caius screamed.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved." Aro says.

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