EIGHT. the human

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I finish my shower and get dressed, heading down to the living room where I hear the Cullens and who I think is Bella

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I finish my shower and get dressed, heading down to the living room where I hear the Cullens and who I think is Bella. Before I walk into the room, I overhear part of their conversation.

"I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me, Edward. Especially someone you guys, see as family." The voice, I assume, is Bella says.

"I hate to say this, but Bella's right. Esmeralda could get hurt against the army." Rosalie argues.

I hear Carlisle sigh, "Esmeralda is capable of taking care of herself; you know that, Rosalie. And Edward is right. With Esmeralda on our side, it will be easier, seeing as her kind can kill the newborns."

"But—" Rosalie starts but is cut off by Esme, "Why don't we let Esmeralda decide for herself if she wants to help? Esmeralda, you can come out from behind the wall."

I walk out, not knowing how Esme is the only one to realize I was listening. All of them look toward me, waiting for my answer, and I also see Auggie sitting on the couch between Rosalie and Alice.

"Before I decide if I want to help, can someone explain why there is a newborn army after the human?" I ask, walking closer to the group and crossing my arms over my chest.

Edward then explains how Bella is his blood singer and how she figured out the family was vampires. Playing baseball one day attracted nomads. One, in particular, named James, wanted to play a game of tracking Bella and killing her. Then the family managed to kill James but not before he broke Bella's leg and bit her resulting in Edward sucking out the venom before she could turn. He went on to say how now James' mate Victoria is out for revenge on Edward for killing James. So, she created an army of newborns to go after the Cullens and try to kill Bella. Also, the Volturi know about Bella and wants them to turn her before they decide to kill her instead.

It was a lot to take in, but the look on Edward's face should he really did care for Bella and loved her. I could also smell the desperation coming off of him, hoping I'll join the fight to protect the human.

I sigh, "Alright, relax, Eddy. I'll help. The smell of desperation coming off of you is not nice sent."

"You don't even know me, and yet you're willing to help me?" Bella asks.

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