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The next day I was at home with my pack, just taking a break from the Volturi drama

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The next day I was at home with my pack, just taking a break from the Volturi drama. We were having a chill day when I got a text from Bella.

Bella- Mera, I need your help with something.

Mera- Of course. What is it?

Bella- it's about Alice. Meet me at my fathers' house. I'll send you the address. And please don't tell anyone your pack exactly. It needs to be a secret.

Mera- Alright, I'll be there in five minutes. And I won't tell them.

Bella- thank you.

Putting my phone in my pocket, I head to the living room where my pack was. I knew I shouldn't lie to my pack, but Bella seemed to need me. So I was willing to do it for her to an extent.

"Hey, guys. I need to go meet Bella to help her with something." I tell them standing behind the couch.

"What do you need to help her with?" Scarlett asks.

I shrug, "I'm not sure. But she says she needs my help. She says I can't tell you what it is about, so don't even ask. But I'm sure it's nothing bad."

"Will you be okay?" Auggie asked, looking scared.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. I promise." I tell him. "Okay, I have to go. I'll be back soon."

"Be safe." Timmy says.

I nod, then head out the door. I run to Charlie's house and walk out just as I see Bella pull up to the house. I walk to her car and stand by her and Jacob as Renesmee runs to Charlie, and he twirls her around.

"There she is. Come here." Charlie said to Renesmee.

"Where did you come from?" Jacob said.

"What do you mean, Jacob? I've been here the whole time in the car with you." I said.

He looks at me, confused, then at Bella, who shrugs. Jacob shakes his head and then looks back to Charlie and Renesmee.

"Oh! Wow! Look at you. You've grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches." Charlie says.

𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 ➜ 𝑷. 𝑳𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now