TWENTY. scarlett & embry

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It was the following day after I became a true alpha and healed Scarlett

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It was the following day after I became a true alpha and healed Scarlett. With Quil and Jared on patrol, the rest of the pack, especially Embry, was waiting for Scarlett to wake up.

After everyone had just finished eating is when Scarlett woke up sitting up on the couch. Embry and I went to her, wanting to see if she was alright.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay, Scarlett." I tell her.

"What happened?"

"You passed out after Esmeralda got the wolfsbane out of your system." Embry explained to her.

"Do you feel better?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah, a lot better. Thank you, Esmeralda."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Embry asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I am. I am hungry, though."

Just then, Emily walks over with a plate full of food in her hands. "Figured you might be hungry when you woke up."

Scarlett grabs the plate with a smile, "Thank you."

Emily nods her head and goes back to the kitchen to clean up.

"That was Emily. Anytime you're hungry or need some advice, she's your girl." I tell Scarlett, and she smiles.

"Well, I think introductions are in order. You already know my name Esmeralda, but you can call me Mera. And this is my little brother Auggie." I introduced the girl as I hugged Auggie from behind.

Auggie waves at the girl, "Hi!"


"This, of course, is Embry." I tell the girl.

Scarlett smiles at the boy she has learned is her mate. Everyone else introduces themselves, and once the girl is acquainted with everyone, they all go on about their day—the pack all head outside to relax and enjoy the nice day together. Scarlett and I are on the stairs of the small house.

"So, how are you holding up with everything?" I ask her.

She sighs, "Most things considered, I'm alright. I'm still upset about losing my family, but somehow I think being here with you guys will help me heal from it."

"Yeah, it will. I know from experience. Remember to talk to someone about how you feel, whether it's me, Embry, or anyone else in the pack. We'll all help you no matter what."

"They will?"

"Yeah, because you're part of the pack now," I tell her pulling up my sleeve and showing my mate mark. "This is our mate, mark. We have the same one because of the pack. It's their tribe's symbol. This shows that you're part of the pack, so no matter what, they will do anything to protect you."

"Thanks, Mera. Really."

I shrug my shoulders, "Hey, your part of my pack. It's the least I can do."

"You want me a part of your pack?"

"Of course I do, Scarlett."

We smiled at each other and hugged, feeling the trust and bond-forming already. I knew then that there were more to come. More people to join my pack so we would become a family. And stand against the hunters that dare kill us off.

"Scarlett!" Embry calls to join.

"Go on. Go to your mate." I tell her, and she runs into his arms.

I sit there a bit longer and notice Leah alone, away from the pack. I head over to her wanting to see why she's so distant.


She looks at me and gives me a small smile, "Hi."

"Why are you sitting by yourself?" I asked, sitting next to her.

"Just felt like it."

"Oh, come on, Leah. I know that's not it. Come on, tell me what's on your mind?"

"Most of the pack has imprinted, and I'm here all alone."

I sigh, "Oh, I'm sorry. Paul told me the story between you, Sam, and Emily. You didn't deserve what happened to you."

"Thanks. I understand now that they couldn't help it with the bond, but it still hurts. Especially since I see them together all the time."

"I wouldn't sweat it much longer."

She looked at me confused, "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know, just a feeling I have. Like that, your gonna find your imprint soon."

"Is that an alpha thing? That you feel things?" She asks.

"I have no clue. But I believe it. You had a bad thing happen to you, and you deserve to be mad, but don't let it be what drives you. You should be confident in who you are and be proud of it. I mean, come on, Leah, you're the first-ever female shifter in your tribe. That huge accomplishment will go down in your tribe's history forever."

Leah smiles, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"See, I told you. And you should smile more."


"Because you never know who could be falling in love with your smile." I say bumping my shoulder against hers.

Leah gives me a look, "That was cheesy."

"Yeah, it was. But you indeed have a beautiful smile. Don't lose it."

With that, we sit in silence, watching the pack play soccer and play around with each other. I see Auggie then jump onto Paul's back, trying to cheat, but Paul manages to score a goal. He runs around the beach with Auggie on his back, causing him to giggle. I smiled, knowing this was where I was meant to be.

Here with my new family knowing my mother watching over me, proud of who I've become.

and with that part one is done.
i hope you guys liked it and have enjoyed the book so far. part two will hopefully becoming soon maybe in a month or so it depends when I finish writing and editing it so just be on the look out.
part two will have a lot more with the movies itself as well as original plots of my own. i can't wait for you guys to see what i have planned for the rest of this book.
hope you enjoy!!!!

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