FOUR. shifters vs werewolves

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We walked towards the small home with Sam leading the way

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We walked towards the small home with Sam leading the way. Auggie and I were walking with Paul beside me to my right.

"Don't stare at Emily. It pisses Sam off." Paul whispered to me quickly as we approached the house. I looked at him confused when a young woman about the age of Sam walked out with a smile and scars running down her face.

"You guys are back and with guests." The unknown woman said to the group.

"Look, Esmeralda, she looks just like mom."

I looked at Auggie with a shocked face, "Auggie!"

"What she does."

"I'm so sorry about him," I told the woman, not wanting her to be upset, as I could see Sam had a guilty look on his face.

"It's alright. But what does he mean I look like your mother?" The woman asked nicely.

"Our mother had scars on her face, just like you. She got them when trying to help a shifter calm down after shifting for the first time." I explained with a pained face thinking about my mother.

"Our kind can heal from about anything except shifters' claws, so she lived with the scars, but she never let them define her. Instead, she embraced her scars and let them show people just how strong she was."

The woman smiled, "That's a nice way to think about it. Thank you. I'm Emily, by the way."

"You're welcome. It's nice to meet you, Emily. I'm Esmeralda, and this is my little brother Auggie." I introduced us to the woman, and I could feel a friendship growing with her as she smiled at me.

"Come on in. You guys must be starving. I know the pack certainly is. I made plenty of food." She spoke.

With a smile and nod, we all walked into the tiny home. The shifters all moved to the house's kitchen and sat around the table to get food. Auggie and I didn't move and just stood at the entrance as we didn't want to intrude on them.

"Well, come on, you can sit and eat. It's alright." Emily said with a smile.

We went to the table, and who I could assume was Paul, my mate, pulled out a chair for Auggie and me to sit down next to him. I smiled at him as I sat to his right, and Auggie then sat to mine.

"Thank you. Paul, right?" I asked after we sat down.


"Well, we know Paul and Sam. So can we know the rest of your names?" I asked, looking around the table as Emily put plates full of food in front of Auggie and me.

"I'm Jared." A boy with rounded muscles, brown eyes, and hair said as he had food in his mouth and smiled.

"You're the wolf I rode on the back of." Auggie said with excitement in his eyes.

"Hell, yeah, kid."

"I'm Embry..."A tall and slender boy said next, then pointed to two other boys next to him, "that's Jacob and Quil."

Jacob had a muscular build with black hair and dark brown eyes. He also looked like someone who didn't trust Auggie and me. Then Quil also had black hair and brown eyes, but he looked happier to be with the group than Jacob. I smiled at them, but only Quil and Embry smiled back at me, and Jacob only nodded.

"I'm Seth, and this is my sister Leah." A young boy with a happy grin on his face who is just about the same age as Auggie said. I smiled at him and then looked at his sister, who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else than here.

"You're a female shifter?" I asked, knowing there had never been such a thing in their history. All Leah did was nod as if her being a shifter wasn't a fantastic thing that would go down in their tribe's history. But I didn't say anything, though, feeling like the girl might be made at the world for something.

"So, Esmeralda, you said earlier that your kind can heal from anything. What exactly are you guys?" Emily asked as she was seated next to Sam.

"We're shapeshifters much like the pack, but we are different and are called children of the moon. Our kind is connected to the moon. We're pretty much what most people depicted werewolves to be."

Emily had a shocked look on her face, "I thought children of the moon were extinct?"

Sam nodded in agreement, "She's right. From our tribes' legends, we learned that children of the moon were all killed by the cold ones."

"What you learn is true for the most part, but not all of us were killed all those years ago. Some families managed to escape from the cold ones. But that didn't stop them from sending hunters after us. So, our family was one of the last remaining families of the original children of the moons."

The pack looked at us with pity, which made me feel awful. I never wanted to be looked at with compassion, as I was always taught to be strong.

"I'm so sorry, Esmeralda." Emily gave me a weak smile, and I gave her one in return.

"I don't understand. Why did the cold ones want your kind to be extinct?" Embry asked in curiosity.

"It's because before our kind learned how to control ourselves, we went feral during a full moon, which resulted in our human side losing consciousness and are inner wolf would go wild. We would kill anything and everything just for the sport. So, the cold ones became afraid of us because we can fully kill them." I explained to the pack as we all continued to eat.

"Wait, what do you mean you can kill them fully?" Paul asked from next to me.

"To kill vampires, you have to rip their heads off them and light their body on fire. But with our kind, our teeth and claws can kill them easily without their bodies being set on fire." So, I told them, finishing my food, and realized the room got quiet, and I looked up to see them all looking at Auggie and me with shocked faces.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Auggie asked me.

"You guys can kill vampires so easily?" Seth asked with a whimsical look.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, we can."

"Maybe you guys can talk care of our leech problems them." Jared insisted to me.

"I really hope you're not talking about the Cullen's cause if you are, we're gonna have some problems."

"How do you even know the Cullens? You seem close to them." Sam asked.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Paul roll his eyes, "Yeah, a little too close to them." He said, seething.

"I'll have you all know that the Cullens are family to us."

i really hope the explanation of the difference between the two species is clear to you guys.
it made sense in my head but if it doesn't make any sense to you guys essentially Esmeralda and Auggie are the type of werewolves from teen wolf with a few added elements to them.
I hope that clears it up a little but if it doesn't feel free to ask me if you want a better description.
Happy holidays!!!!!
bye :)))

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