FOURTEEN. making threats

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Aro pulled away from Alice as if shocked by what he saw

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Aro pulled away from Alice as if shocked by what he saw. We looked towards us, eyeing not only me but Timmy and Kimiko. He seemed scared about whatever Alice showed him, and by how he looked at us, we had something to do with it.

"Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course." Alice says.

"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat." Caius argues.

Edward stepped forward, "But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?"

"Of course. But that cannot be known."

"Actually, it can." Edward

Alice walks a little back toward us with a smile. Then we see two more witnesses walking in from the woods. They walked from behind us and went to Alice as she turned back to Aro.

"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil." Alice says.

"We have enough witnesses."

"Let him speak, brother." Aro cuts Caius off.

"I am half human, half vampire. Like the child." The witness said. "A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal."

"How old are you?" Bella asked, stepping up.

"A hundred and fifty years." He said, looking at Bella.

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked.

The witness turned back to Aro, "I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then."

"And your diet?"

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either." He said.

"These children are much like us." Marcus says.

"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies." Caius says, then looks at my pack and me. "And let's not forget about those children of the moons. They pose a threat to us. They could kill us all with ease."

"Yes, we can, Caius. You know that because our kind almost killed you years ago." I said, stepping forward. "But you're wrong about us being a threat to you."

"Whatever do you mean, Esmeralda?" Aro questioned.

"Yes, children of the moon can easily kill a vampire, but that doesn't mean we want to. Because of your fear of us, we have to spend our lives running from the hunters you send after us." I told them.

Caius angrily sneers, "That is because your kind can't control themselves."

"That's where you're wrong. Because if you took the time to converse with us like you're doing now, you would know that we learned control years ago."

"What are you talking about." Caius said.

"The other children of the moons in my pack and I have full control over our shifts. So do plenty of others out there. The moon doesn't enslave us anymore. When there is a full moon, we have full control over ourselves. We don't run around rampant anymore." I inform them.

"It doesn't matter. You're still a threat to our kind." Caius says.

"They are not a threat to us, Caius. I've known Esmeralda since she was a baby." Carlisle tells them. "I helped her mother give birth to her. Her mother trusted my family that she named me and Esme as Esmeralda's godparents."

"Really?" Aro questions.

"Yes. I'm even named after Esme because of the friendship my mother had with her. And Rosalie and Emmett are my brother's godparents." I tell them.

"As you can see, children of the moon don't pose a threat to us. They just want to live in peace just like us." Carlisle says.

"Perhaps they are right." Marcus said.

Caius shakes his head, "Absolutely not. Children of the moon are dangerous creatures."

"As if vampires aren't just as dangerous. Especially the ones with a gift." I say, pointing to Jane and Alec.

"They are right, brother. They don't pose a threat to us." Aro says, eyeing me as if he knows something.

"But they are dangerous and uncontrollable."

"Just as you fear humans coming after you because of the child. We fear the hunters coming after us when we have done nothing wrong except exist." I say. "Me and my pack want to stop running. We want to stop living in fear, and we will do anything to achieve that."

"Is that a threat?" Caius asks.

"It's a promise. Call off all your hunters that are not only after me and my pack but also every other child of the moon or whatever else is out there. Or you'll have to go through me." I say, showing my red eyes.

"Through all of us." Timmy says as my pack steps up behind me, glowing their eyes as well.

From behind me, I hear growling and see the pack step up. They had our backs no matter what, as we were part of their pack, with some of us being imprints. I also see the Cullen's and our witnesses step up as well. I could smell the fear coming from Caius, which I expected since my kind almost killed him. But I could also smell fear from Aro. Whatever was in the vision Alice showed him must have really scared him.

"I can smell your fear, Aro. I don't know what you're scared of, but my best guess is that it's from whatever Alice showed you." I smirk. "I suggest you take my offer if you don't what whatever it is to come true."

I see Aro's eyes widen in fear, and he turns to address his army, "Dear ones, there is no danger here. And the children of the moon seem not to pose a threat to us. We will not fight today."

I could see the disappointment on some of the Volturi's faces, especially Caius and Jane. But they all turn and leave quickly. Aro goes with them, but before he walks into the woods with he turns back to all of us.

"Such a prize." He says, then leaves.

With the threat of the Volturi gone, everyone was celebrating and hugging each other. My pack hugged each other happy that we could finally live peacefully without worrying about hunters. Our mates came up to us and rubbed their heads against us. I gave Paul a pet on the head and smiled, knowing we would all be okay. But two people weren't happy with our victory.

"We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack." Vladimir said, pointing to where the Volturi stood.

"Not today." Carlisle said, shaking his head with an arm around Esme.

Stefan scoffed, "You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive what happened here."

None of us listened to them, so Vladimir and Stefan left angrily. Everyone rejoices that they did not have to fight the Volturi, and we head home.

it was all a dream.
i'm kidding. but anyways i hope you guys liked what i did with Esmeralda and her pack in Alice's vision.
there is one more chapter left then the epilogue and then this book is all done.
hope you enjoy.

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