FOUR. date night

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After the day dealing with Charlie sort of finding out about the Cullen's, my pack and I were at Sam and Emily's hanging out

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After the day dealing with Charlie sort of finding out about the Cullen's, my pack and I were at Sam and Emily's hanging out. As much as I love the Cullen's, they are my family. I am confident to say that they have a lot of drama. Being with the pack was like getting fresh air from that drama, and I was glad to have them.

The whole day with the pack was spent having a movie day. We just sat in the living room watching a bunch of different movies. At the same time, though, of course, some of the pack did have to go on patrol in shifts. But when they came back, they immediately went to the living room and joined in watching the movie. It was fun, and we all had a chill day together as a family.

We had just finished our fifth movie, and Emily went to start dinner for everyone, with Kimiko offering to help her. As Sam put on another movie, Paul got up from the couch, left our cuddle session, and went into the kitchen. He came back and smiled at me.

"What's with the smile?" I asked.

"I owe you a date. It's been a while since we've been on one." He said with an even bigger smile.

"Is that so?" I smirk at him.

Paul nodded, "Yup. So go to the house and get ready, then meet me back here."

I sighed, got up from the couch, and headed toward the door.

"Oh, make sure to wear a bathing suit." Paul said before I left and looked at him, and nodded, walking out the door.

As I walked the trail back to my pack's house, I was lost in thought. I knew that Paul planning this date was his way to continue to make up for going after the Cullen's. I forgave him a while ago after the pack helped us with the house, but I didn't tell him that. It was fun watching him do different things to win back my favor.

After getting dressed in a simple outfit with a bikini underneath it, I headed back to Sam and Emily's. As I exit the woods, I see Paul sitting on the stairs with a picnic basket beside him.

"We going on a picnic, handsome?" I ask as I walk closer to him.

He looked up, smiled at me, and then grabbed the picnic basket, "We are beautiful."

"Well, let's go then. This will be my first picnic."

"Really?" Paul asked with disbelief.

"Did you forget that my family was always on the run? We never had time for picnics." I remind him.

"Oh, right." He said, then grabbed my hand with his other one. "Well, then I'll make sure your first picnic is memorable."

"Then I can't wait." I said then we began walking toward the beach.

We got to the beach, and I saw a blanket set up with pillows around it. As well as lanterns and fairy lights lighting up the area. I turned to Paul to see he was already smiling at me.

"You did this for me?" I asked.

"Of course I did." He said.

I looked back at the blanket, then at him, and smiled, "I love you."

His smile grew more, "I love you too."

He pulled me into a quick kiss before he pulled me toward the blanket. We sat down, and Paul began getting everything out of the basket and setting them in front of us. As he grabbed everything from the basket, I could see that the food in front of us we some of my favorite foods my mother would make me when I was younger. This brought tears to my eyes, thinking about my mother.

Paul must have noticed I was crying and held my face with his hands, "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"This is the food my mother used to make me." I said as a few tears fell down my face.

"I know." Paul said, letting go of my face after wiping my tears. "I asked Auggie for some of your favorite recipes and asked Emily if she could make them. She made most of it yesterday while you were with the Cullen's."

I smiled, "I can't believe you did all this for me."

"Well, believe it because I love you." Paul said with a smile. "Now let's dig into this food 'cause it smells amazing."

I chuckled, and we started eating. Eating what Emily made, all I could think was how it tasted, just like my mom used to make it. I didn't know how Emily did that, but I was glad she did it. As we ate, I told Paul stories about how I would help my mom cook when I was younger. How whenever I did help her, we would somehow always end up in a food fight. No matter what we were cooking, it somehow ended up on us about halfway through cooking. I told him how, because of our food fights, my uncle, who lived with us, forbade us from cooking together ever again.

After eating and talking for a little longer about our childhood, we decided to go into the water. We stripped into our bathing suits when Paul grabbed me and threw me over my shoulder, and ran to the ocean. I screamed when he threw me into the water. I stood up, wiping the water from my face, to see Paul laughing at me, annoyed I kicked his feet out from under him, causing him to fall into the water. I laughed when he came back up, giving me a look.

This was how the rest of most of the evening lasted, with us playing in the water. When the sun was setting, we walked back to the blanket and sat down with me in between his legs, and we watched the sunset. We didn't talk. We just watched and enjoyed each other's presence, feeling at home in his arms.

Best picnic date ever.

i thought having a date between Paul and Esmeralda would be a cute filler chapter before the real drama begins. i'm sorry if this is too boring for you guys.
hope you enjoy.

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