FOUR. timothy

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Third POVTimothy Walker has been alone for a long time

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Third POV
Timothy Walker has been alone for a long time. Being by himself was all he knew. His family died in a house fire, and so would he if he wasn't saved. But how he was saved was not how Timmy planned on living for the rest of his life.

He was a hellhound. When his house was on fire, Timmy pleaded and begged God that he would save him and his family. But it wasn't God that saved him. Instead, it was a hellhound spirit that saved him. So Timmy could walk straight through the fire and out of his house without a single burn.

People thought it was a miracle that Timmy could escape the fire. He told people it was a random person who saved him and then disappeared, not wanting to tell people the truth for fear they would have him locked away. But no matter how hard Timmy tried to hide the truth, things started to happen around him. He would lose track of time and wake up not knowing what he had done when he blacked out.

It took a lot of research, but Timmy learned about the hellhound spirit that saved him. He even found a way to speak to it while it lay dormant within his mind. In speaking to it, Timmy understood that the hellhound saved him by giving him a purpose for something. And just as Timmy was getting used to being a hellhound is when hunters caught wind of him.

They thought he was a werewolf after finding out he had mysteriously been saved from a fire. But they didn't know the truth, and they still tried to kill him. But Timmy ran away.

In communicating with the sprint inside of him, Timmy can speak with it in his head. And the hellhound named Drystan gave Timmy directions to find the true alpha that had defeated hunters before. So that's where Timmy was on his way to. He was sitting waiting for a train in New York heading as far as he could go so he could make it to Forks, Washington.

Timmy was waiting for his train to come with his hood up, not wanting to draw his attention to hunters that may be around. Someone then bumped into him. He looked about to cuss the person out. Timmy looked he saw that it was a kid.

He lets the kid walk off and turns back to the platform in front of him. But he feels around for his wallet and notices that it's gone and realizes that the kid that bumped into him had pickpocketed him. Timmy runs down the way the kid went.

"Timothy, stop. Concentrate on your sense of smell."

Timmy stops and listens to Drystan. He takes a deep breath and tries to pick up the kid's scent.

"There. That's the one." Drystan said inside Timmy's head once he caught the kid's scent.

Timmy runs following the scent, and it leads him to an alleyway. He hears something scrounging around behind a dumpster. Slowly not wanting to alarm the kid, Timmy stalks up to him and grabs his shoulder, turning him around.

"Ahhh!" The kid screams. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me."

Timmy sees the kid is terrified just by putting his hand on his shoulder. The kid tried to fight off Timmy to get away, but he had a firm grip on him.

Timmy grabs the kid's shoulders tighter, "Kid! Kid! Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you."

The kid stops struggling but still is weary of Timmy. When the kid stop is when Drystan takes in the kid's scent some more.

"Timothy the boy. He's a werewolf."

Timmy couldn't believe Drystan. He had never met a werewolf, and granted, Drystan had told Timmy about them as well as other supernatural creatures, but Timmy never thought he would come across one.

"You're a werewolf?" Timmy asks the kid.

The kid went wide-eyed, "How did you know that? Are you a hunter?" He started to struggle again.

"A hunter? What! No. I'm not a hunter, kid."

"I don't believe you. Hunters have been after me since I was bitten. How can I believe you?" He said, still trying to get free of Timmy's grasp.

"Look, kid. Would a hunter be able to do this?" Timmy said, making the kid look him in the eyes. Just when he looked, Timmy made his eyes glow the fiery orange color they turned whenever in his hellhound state. The kid looked at Timmy with awe and stopped struggling.

"You have orange eyes. How? I've never seen that on a werewolf." The kid questioned.

"I'm not a werewolf. I'm a hellhound."

The kid looked confused, "What's a hellhound?"

"It's a long story for another time. But for right now, can I have my wallet back?" Timmy said, letting the kid stand up straight and holding his hand out.

The kid sighed and put Timmy's wallet in his hand. Timmy looked through his wallet to ensure everything was in it, and when satisfied, he looked back at the kid.

He was covered in dirt and had old clothes on that were torn up as well as shoes that were falling apart. Timmy could see the kid was probably homeless, which was why he stole his wallet. It was just to survive.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Milo. Milo Harrington." He said.

Timmy looked around, "Are you alone out here? Where are your parents?"

"My parents are dead. I'm an orphan."

"Well, we got the orphan thing in common. You're just out here on the streets as a werewolf. That's dangerous." Timmy said.

Milo shrugged, "Well isn't not exactly an ideal situation, but not much I can do. I don't have anyone to take care of me that knows about me being a werewolf."

Timmy thought about Milo being alone in the streets. He thought about how easily a hunter could come and find him. He was just a kid that didn't deserve to be dealing with this. Timmy knew he had to help this kid. He felt he was meant to meet Milo and take him with him.

"Alright, how about you come with me." Timmy suggested.

"Go with you?"

Timmy nodded, "Yeah, I'm heading to Washington state. Trying to find someone who could help me from the hunters. Maybe they can help you too."

"Who exactly are you looking for?" Milo asked.

"Esmeralda Holloway. The true alpha."

here is the first look of Timmy and his background as well as Milo. the next chapter will be Milo's backstory then the next will be Kimikos.
i am very proud of all of their backstories i thought a lot about them so they are pretty detailed.
also remember Timmy's face claim is Brenton Thewaites.
hope you enjoy.

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