ONE. wedding preparations

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It was time

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It was time. As I looked down, reading the invitation in my hand. They were doing it. Bella and Edward were getting married. I couldn't be happier for them, and next to me, Auggie was just as happy. He smiled at the invitation as I showed it to him.

I knew that Alice would be leading, preparing everything and that she would do a good job. I also knew that she would appreciate my and Auggie's help in getting everything ready in time for the date. Paul was still getting used to the fact that Auggie and I spent time with the Cullen's. Even more so now because of the wedding preparations, and I could tell he hated it since he could spend as much time with Auggie and me, but he sucked it up for me and Auggie's sake.

As of now, I was with Alice helping her teach Bella to walk in heels which was not going great. While Auggie was using his newfound wolf strength to help move things around.

"You just have to break them in." Alice says as Bella stumbles.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella says.

I nodded, "Honestly, for Bella and everyone's safety, I think her going barefoot wouldn't be such a bad idea."

"No, absolutely not." Alice says, shaking her head.

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." Bella says, pointing at all the preparations.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect."

Just then, Emmett appears carrying a long tree trunk. I also see that Auggie is attempting to help Emmett, but he's just handing off the end of the tree trunk as Emmett does all the work. I laugh and shake my head at my brother's antics.

"Where do you want them, boss?" He asks.

"On either side of the aisle."

Rosalie walks up behind Emmett, also carrying a shorter tree trunk, "What aisle?"

"Does no one have vision?" Alice says, going to show the two where to put the trunks.

I see Bella take off the heels and put on her sneakers, as well as massage her feet. I laughed.

"I really hope Alice doesn't try and dictate my wedding like this. But I have a feeling that she will." I say.

Bella chuckles, "It would be so unfair if she didn't. But then again, I don't see Paul agreeing to have her as your wedding planner."

"That's a good point. Although I think if I really wanted to, I could convince him to let her plan it."

"I can see that happening. He may seem all big and tough, but I feel you've become his soft spot."

I nod, "Oh yeah, totally. Me and Auggie."

We laugh, and just then, Alice comes back to us with Auggie by her side.

"Bella, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order." She says.

"Okay." Bella nods.

"She doesn't need beauty rest. She's already beautiful." Auggie says with a smile.

Bella looked to Auggie, shocked, "Thanks, Auggie."

"Of course, Bella. And hey, if it doesn't work out with Edward, just wait a few years, and I'll be available."

We all laugh at his attempt to flirt with Bella.

"Auggie, shut up, and let's go. I'm sure Paul is waiting for us at the line." I say, shoving him forward to stop looking at Bella seductively.

"Ah, I'm just teasing."

"Yeah, you're being a little weirdo, so stop." I say as we venture into the woods toward the meeting point.

At the line, I see Paul and Seth standing there, playing around. Since being here, Auggie and Seth have become best friends. Auggie runs straight to Seth and starts telling him about what we did the entire day.

"Hey, beautiful." Paul says, pulling me into a kiss.

"Hi." I say after pulling away.

He grabs my hand as we start walking back to Sam and Emily's. After our first date, Paul and I have gone on a few more whenever he doesn't have patrol. We've gotten to know each other more, and I've gotten more comfortable with being with someone.

I've told him a lot about growing up and having to move around constantly and how I had to cope with it. He's told me about his ways before me and how he was known as a player on La Push. When he told me, I was exactly surprised. I've met his type before whenever my family would move around but knowing that I'm his imprint and he's my mate brings a lot of trust.

I knew he wouldn't do anything that would hurt our relationship, just like he knows I wouldn't do anything either. We've spent a lot of time talking with each other and hanging out alone. Although sometimes we did have Auggie with us. Paul wanted to be able to grow a relationship with Auggie as well since he is my little brother. Both of them have actually spent time together without me as well, saying they're having bro time. Auggie says he's getting ready for when Paul becomes his brother for real after we get married, and Paul agrees, of course.

here is part two of moon child.
this part has got to be my favorite one even though i haven't written part three yet. i can't wait for you guys to see what i have in store for this part.
hope you enjoy.

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