FOURTEEN. first date

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It was a few days after Auggie's birthday and a few days before his first full moon

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It was a few days after Auggie's birthday and a few days before his first full moon. Most of the pack was just chilling and hanging out at Emily and Sam's house when Jared and Paul returned from patrol. They immediately got muffins from the batch Emily made and came to the living room to where everyone else was and sat down.

"Hey, you and me are going out tonight." Paul blurts out after sitting next to me.

I looked at him with a surprised face while the pack was whistling and barking. Paul turns and gives the guys glares.

"Like on a date?" I ask him.

"Yes, a date. Tonight."

"Okay, sounds good. What are we doing?"

Paul shakes his head, "Not telling you it's a surprise."

I groan, "Really?"

He looked at me and smiled as he motioned with his hand zipping his mouth and throwing the key. I shake my head and laugh.


The day continues, and it's time for my date with Paul, and Emily is helping me get ready. I finished taking a shower, and Emily straightened my hair while I did my makeup. I only put a little on as I don't really like makeup much.

"Alright, I'm all done. Go get dressed." Emily tells me.

I get dressed in black jeans with a belt, a red turtleneck sweater, and a pair of black boots. It was something cute and comfy for the weather in Forks, even though I didn't really feel the cold it was just for looks.

"How do I look?" I ask Emily as I walk out of the room to her in the kitchen with the pack and Auggie.

"You look great, Esmeralda."

"Really? Are you sure?" I say, looking down at my outfit.

"You look amazing, Mera." Auggie tells me from the couch.

I smile at him, "Thanks, papito."

Just then, Paul walks into the house. He's wearing actual jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt with a leather jacket. I had to admit he looked really hot, especially with the leather jacket.

I continued to check him out, "Esmeralda! Hey, I know I'm hot, but we got to go."

I roll my eyes at him despite knowing I was caught. He grabs my hand and starts to lead me out of the house.

"Have fun, Mera!" Auggie shouts out. I turn and wave at him.

Paul leads me to his truck and opens the passenger side door for me.

"Oh, hot and a gentleman. I got the whole package, didn't I?" I tease him.

He shakes his head and lets out a laugh. He closes the door once I'm inside, and he jogs to the driver's side, getting in. As we're driving to where ever out date is, we sit in comfortable silence. Meanwhile, Paul has one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh. Even without talking, I enjoyed being with him as he calmed me down.

We finally pull up to a small diner outside of Forks.

"This is cute." I tell him.

Paul chuckles and gets out of the car to open my door. I take his hand, and we walk inside the diner. Sitting down at a booth, when a waitress comes over, we order our food. Paul ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a milkshake, while I ordered a chicken sandwich with fries and a milkshake.

"Oh, I love a girl who can eat." Paul says.

I laugh and shake my head, "I hate you."

"No, you don't."

We were smiling, "Okay. Since this is our first date, we should ask each other questions. You know to get to know each other more."

"Okay. Ladies first."

"Alright. Um... what is your middle name?"

He chuckles, "Oh god. My middle name is Grayson."

"That is not what I expected, but I like it. Paul Grayson Lahote. It's cute."

"You really think so?" I nod in response smiling. "Okay, then, what's your middle name?" He asks.

"My middle name is Elvira."

"Wow, that's different." Paul says.

"Yea, it was my grandmothers' name. Okay. What do you like to do whenever you're alone and have free time?"

His eyes widen, not expecting this type of question, "Oh, uh... I'm not really sure. I guess writing."

"Writing?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just like writing down my thoughts and feelings any chance I get. I don't know. It's stupid."

I shake my head, "That's not stupid. If you like to write, you should make more time for it. I bet that you're an amazing writer."

He shakes his head with a smile as I see our waitress come back with our food and drinks. We immediately dig in.

"Okay." Paul says with food still in his mouth but swallows. "What about you? What is something you like to do when you have the time?"

Swallowing my food, I answer, "Well, before you know everything. I used to paint a lot. I love painting. It always made me happy and content with everything we had to deal with."

"I'd love to see you paint someday."

"I don't know, someday."

This was how the whole night went. We continued talking and sharing parts of our lives that we'd never told anyone. It was terrific to learn all about him and how he grew up. I now know that his parents divorced when he was only eight, and his dad moved him back to the tribe. And how even though he lives with his dad, he doesn't have the best relationship with him.

I learned a lot about him, and he learned about me. With everything we shared, I could feel our mate bond growing and getting stronger. There was no turning back from this; I knew that. Looking into Paul's eyes, I knew I was in this for life.

I was falling for him.

here is Paul and Esmeralda's first date.
this chapter is so cute and my favorite one i've written.
so Paul's middle name was completely made up by me but i really like the name i chosen for him. as for Esmeralda's middle name it really is my actual grandmother's name first name so i thought why not.
hope you enjoy.

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