TWELVE. birthday {part 1}

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It was now a month later after the battle with the newborn army after Bella and Auggie and I were getting ready for a sleepover with the Cullens

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It was now a month later after the battle with the newborn army after Bella and Auggie and I were getting ready for a sleepover with the Cullens. We were spending the night and the morning with them for Auggie's birthday, and then we would return to the reservation as the tribe would put on a bonfire for Auggie's birthday.

It was Auggie's 13th birthday and the birthday that we would see if he would shift. I could tell Auggie was excited about his birthday but was getting more nervous for the first full moon after his birthday. He was scared to see if he would shift. I could understand why he felt that way, as I felt the same when it was my turn to shift. I was just as scared to see if I would shift or not and if I would hurt someone if I did shift.

Currently, I am in the kitchen with Esme helping her make dinner for Auggie and me while he is in the living room playing video games with Emmett and Jasper. I could hear the boys just shouting at each other and could tell they were trying to cheat just by what they were saying. I shook my head at their antics as Esme and I finished cooking.

"Auggie, come eat." Esme called out as I sat o the barstool in the kitchen with a plate in front of me. I hear Auggie run to the kitchen.

"No running, Auggie." I scold him once he's in the kitchen.

He climbs onto the barstool, "Sorry." I smile at him, and we both turn to start eating.

After eating, Auggie and I spent a few more hours with the Cullen's talking and playing video games until we both got tired. I could tell Auggie didn't want to go to sleep as he was fighting not to close his eyes as he tried to stay up with the vampires. But he lost in the end, and he fell asleep on the couch, so Emmett carried him to his and Rosalie's bed as I went to sleep in one of the guest rooms the Cullen's let me have any time we were over.


It was the following day, and I walked down the stairs to see Jasper and Emmett still playing video games, Rosalie reading a car magazine on Emmett's left, and Alice reading a fashion magazine on Jasper's right. I could hear Esme and Carlisle in the kitchen, making a special breakfast for Auggie. And, of course, Edward is nowhere to be seen. I then notice part of the couch is filled with presents for Auggie, and I shake my head because of how the Cullens love to spoil him.

"Good morning, guys."

"Morning, Esmeralda." Jasper, Alice, and Rosalie tell me.

"Morning, Moony." Emmett says with a smile.

I roll my eyes, "Don't let the pack catch you calling me that. They've reserved that nickname."

He smiles wider and shakes his head, and focuses back on the game that Jasper is easily beating him in. I walk towards the kitchen and see a plate on the island, ready for me to eat.

"Hope you like it, Esmeralda." Esme tells me washing the dishes with Carlilse's help.

"Thank you, guys." I say, sitting down and eating.

When I finish eating is when I hear the running footsteps of Auggie, who finally woke up. Even though I've told him countless times to stop running today, I let it pass since it's his birthday, and he was excited.

"Happy birthday Auggie!!" I hear come from the other room.

I see Auggie in a group hug with Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Rosalie. I smile, "Where's my hug?"

Auggie looks at me and smiles brightly. He rushes to me and gives me a bear hug. We held each other close with our eyes closed, silently wishing our family was here to celebrate with us. "Happy birthday, papito. I love you."

"I love you too, Mera."

"Auggie, come eat first before you open your presents." Esme says, hating to ruin our moment together.

We spent the rest of the morning and a little of the afternoon with the Cullens. After Auggie ate his breakfast, he opened his presents, and he loved every one of them.

Alice got him some designer clothes saying that Auggie was old enough now to appreciate fashion. Jasper got him some books he thought Auggie would love knowing the boy likes to read.

Emmett got him his own gaming console and games to keep when he's with the pack. Rosalie got him a few nerf guns he wanted, saying any time the pack annoys him to shoot them with it. I rolled my eyes, knowing full well that it would lead to a nerf gun war between Auggie and the pack.

Esme and Carlisle got him some action figures of some heroes he loved. In the middle of opening presents, Edward comes back home with Bella, both with gifts in hand. Edward got him a guitar as Auggie has always wanted to learn how to play one. Bella got Auggie a camera and a photo album to document all his favorite memories.

To say Bella's present was his favorite was an understatement because he started taking pictures of us immediately.

a wholesome chapter celebrating Auggie's birthday.
hope you enjoy.

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