NINETEEN. protecting them

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I knew that the pack was watching us

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I knew that the pack was watching us. I knew they would find out about Bella dying and that the baby was born. They were going to attack soon. And I knew we had to prepare ourselves for when they came.

I could hear them. They were running this way. My pack and I were a little ways away from the house when I saw Alice, Jasper, and Edward walk out of the house and in front of the wolves.

"We're outnumbered." Jasper said.

"By a lot."

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward said.

I walked next to the three, growling with my pack walking behind me. My pack and I stood our ground with Alice Jasper and Edward next to us. I growled, seeing the pack as did Auggie and Milo. The three of us glowed our eyes to show them we meant business.

"You're not alone." I said.

"You've got help." Timmy said, glowing his eyes as well as Kimiko next to him.

I see Sam's wolf snarl at us. I growl back, and he and the rest of the wolves attack. My pack and I do everything to get between the pack and the Cullen's. Whenever we try, the wolves slip away from us without trying to hurt us. They knew they couldn't hurt my pack and me. Most of us were imprints, and Auggie and Milo were just kids. But my pack stood our ground. Trying to attack the wolves and keep them from getting inside.

We were losing. The pack had thrown Alice and Jasper away while Sam pined down Edward. Just as Sam was going to attack Edward is when Esme and Carlisle pushed Sam off of him. They had come back from their hunt with Emmett and Scarlett. Both of which fought off the wolves from attacking them again.

Emmett used his brute strength, pushing one wolf into a tree and punching another. Then from the corner of my eye, I see Seth and Leah in their wolf forms. They immediately join the fight and defend the Cullen's. My pack tried everything we could to make the pack hesitant to attack as we stood in front of the Cullen's any chance we got. When we did, one of the Cullen's would knock them away or throw them aside away from all of us.

It was a tough battle seeing my two families fight, but it had to be done. We had managed to stand between the wolves and the house to protect the baby. And before the wolves could attack again is when Jacob ran out.

"Stop! It's over!" He says, and Sam tries to attack, and Jacob steps in front. "If you kill her, you kill me."

I looked at Jacob, confused. We all did. Nobody knew what he had meant by that. But Sam wouldn't listen, and he ran into Jacob, throwing him in the air and causing Jacob to shift mid-air. Jacob stalked up to Sam, and they both stared at each other, growling.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward says, surprising everyone. "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed."

"It's their most absolute law." I said, eyeing the pack.

With that, Sam backs down, knowing he can't do anything about the baby. Sam looks at Jacob before he turns to me. I see Paul look towards me, too, but I look away from them. Then they all turn and leave. They retreated to their side of the treaty line.


Everyone was now in the living room after the fight with the wolves relaxing. We were also waiting for Bella. All of us are in our respective groups and places when we suddenly hear Bella's heartbeat stop. My pack and I all looked at each other with a smile, knowing she was now a vampire.

"Bella's gonna be okay?" Auggie asked.

I smiled at him, "Yeah, she is."

"Does this mean we can finally relax now?" Kimiko said, laying back on the couch.

We laughed at her. "Yeah, it does, Kimi." I told the kitsune.

"What do we do now?" Milo asked.

I sighed, knowing I had to talk to the pack. I knew they missed us all, and we missed them. Paul and Embry mainly miss Scarlett and me. But I knew I wasn't going to forgive them right away. They had tried to kill a baby and tried to kill my family. They had some serious apologizing to do.

"Now, we talk to the pack." I say.

Timmy sighed, "You think so, Mera."


"We're just going to forgive them so easily? I mean, they attacked your family, Mera." Kimiko said.

"Trust me. They are not gonna be forgiven so easily." I said, crossing my arms. "They have some serious apologizing to do. Not only to us but to the Cullen's as well."

"You really expect them to apologize? I mean, I know they'll apologize to us but to the Cullen's? Really?" Scarlett said with a doubtful look.

I chuckled, "If they want us back on their good side, they better."

this is the second to last chapter in part two. i will start writing part three soon and it shouldn't take long unless i get lazy and procrastinate. but i will fight through it so i can get part three out for you guys.
also if you know the avengers reference i love you.
hope you enjoy.
bye :))))))))))

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