SEVENTEEN. scarlett

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Third POVScarlett was running for her life

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Third POV
Scarlett was running for her life. Away from the hunters who killed her family. Who set the ablaze in a fire that she was the only one to survive in.

She didn't know where she was going but knew she just had to run. She ran for hours when she found a place to settle and rest. Scarlett caught her breath.

That was when all her emotions caught up to her, and she let out a small sob. She continued to cry but didn't realize the hunters were close and could hear her sobbing.

Marcus smiled, knowing he had caught the newly lone wolf in a corner. He had the other hunters surrounding Scarlett. It was then that Scarlett heard them all around her. She tried to find a way out, but all she could do was try and make a run for the woods.

Scarlett makes her move and starts running to the woods when she's shot in the shoulder with an arrow. She falls to the floor in pain and rolls onto her back. Marcus appears, standing above her with an evil smile on his face.


"She was a lot easier than the two we chased to Washington." One of the other hunters says.

Marcus glares at the hunter.

"I'm just saying, you know... be-because they had... those vampires and shifters to-to help them." The hunter stuttered.

"Do you ever shut up?" Marcus seethed at the hunter shaking his head.

Scarlett took in the information the hunter said, knowing she learned about shifters and remembered about a specific tribe that resided in Forks, Washington. That was her opportunity to stop running and maybe find peace. She figured if the two the hunters were talking about could find shelter with them, then perhaps she could too. She just had to get away for these guys first.

"Let's get this over with." Marcus said, pointing at the talkative hunter, "Josh kill her."

The hunter looked surprised, as Marcus always delivered the final blow to the werewolves. He nodded and moved to Scarlett. He holds up his crossbow to Scarlett's head and freezes.

Scarlett was giving him a scared look with pleading eyes. Eyes that told him that she didn't want to die. That she was too young to die.

Marcus sees Josh has hesitated, "What on earth are you waiting for? Kill her."

"She's just-" Josh starts turned to Marcus, but Scarlett kicks his hand causing him to lose his grip on the crossbow.

She then kicks Josh's legs from under him, and he falls to the floor. She stood up quickly and started running while the others were distracted as she ran Scarlett yanked the arrow from her shoulder.

"What are all of you standing there for? Go after her." Marcus yells at the other hunters.

Josh, still lying on the floor, goes to stand, but Marcus stops him with his foot on his chest.

"Because you hesitated, she got away."

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll do it next time." Josh pleaded.

"Sorry, doesn't cut it. And there won't be a next time." Marcus says and pulls out a gun.

Scarlett continues running through the woods, hearing the hunters behind her when she hears a distant gunshot. She knew Marcus had killed the hunter for hesitating. From the little time she knew Marcus, she learned he was ruthless. He was dedicated to the hunt and didn't tolerate deviation from the job.

This drove Scarlett to run faster so she could make it to Forks. It took her a day of running since they were only in Oregon. She stops just at the road to Forks seeing the welcoming sign. Suddenly an arrow shoots into the sign, and Scarlett turns to see the hunter gaining on her. She runs across the road and back into the woods. 

Once she's a reasonable distance away from the hunters, Scarlett stops closing her eyes and breaths in the scents around her, seeing if she can catch the scent of another child of the moon or a shifter. Her eyes snap open. She catches a scent and immediately runs toward it.

Darting through the woods, dodging branches, and jumping over logs. Hoping she can find people who can help her. Praying they would help her.

She keeps running, hoping she has a head start on the hunters before they find her. As she's running, she sees up ahead a clearing, and she can hear people talking and laughing. Scarlett felt the hope within her rise hearing the people that could help her.

They get louder and louder as she nears them when she suddenly breaks through the trees into the clearing. She makes it halfway to the people in the clearing when they notice her and get defensive of the stranger on their land.

The pack sees the stranger on their land and becomes protective of it and their imprints, who are with them. They were about to shift, but Esmeralda stood.


"Why?" Paul says.

Esmeralda rolls her eyes, "Because she's like us. She's a child of the moon."

Scarlett smiles. "I found you guys."

"Found us?"

"The hunters talked about two children of the moons that got away from them because of shifters and vampires here in Washington. I knew I had to find you." Scarlett explained.

Esmeralda walked to her, "The hunters are they still after you?"

"Yeah, they're behind me. I managed to gain some distance so I could warn you."

Esmeralda looked to the pack but mainly Sam, and they nodded at each other.

"Okay. Don't worry will protect you. Are you the only one?"

Scarlett looked down, "They burned down our house. I was the only survivor." She said, looking back at Esmeralda.

"Same thing happened to my brother and me. Don't worry, and you're not alone."

Scarlett smiled, trusting the girl in front of her. Then both girls heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer to the clearing. Esmeralda looked at Sam, and he knew just by her look that the hunters were coming.

"Emily, take the imprints inside. Seth, go with them just in case." They nod their heads and head for the house.

"Scarlett, you'll be okay. Just stay behind the pack no matter what." Esmeralda tells her.

Scarlett nods, and they both go behind the pack, as well as Auggie. Suddenly the hunters exit the woods and see the pack standing guard over the werewolves. Marcus has an angered look on his face knowing he just lost again, but this time decides he won't go down without a fight.

you guys finally get to meet Scarlett. she is another child of the moon and is running from the same hunters after Esmeralda and Auggie.
this chapter was really fun to do since the book is in Esmeralda's point of view so doing this was fun and different.
we are almost done with part one. i will be taking a small break to be able to write part two so it might be a while before i update this book. i like to write out all my chapters, edit them then post them that way i'm not overwhelmed with having to write and update at the same time.
hope you enjoy!!

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