THIRTEEN. family vs power

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Alice extends her hand to Aro, and he motions for his guards to let Alice go

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Alice extends her hand to Aro, and he motions for his guards to let Alice go.

"Brother?" Caius questions.

Alice walks up to Aro, and he takes hold of her hand. As Aro reads her thoughts and then I see Alice yank her hand away.

"It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see, you still won't change your decision." Alice then turns to us, looking at Bella, and whispers. "Now!"

Bella looks at Renesmee, who's sitting on top of Jacob, then Bella looks at Jacob, "Take care of my daughter."

This was it. This is what we all were scared of happening. A fight was soon to break out. I see Caius is angry even more so than before.

He turns to his guards, "Get them. Hmm!"

Suddenly Alice attacks Aro, kicking him with her leg and sending him flying. But he manages to land back down and orders his guards to take hold of Alice.

"Take her away." Aro said.

We all gasp in anger as we see Alice being held.

"Let her go!" Carlisle screams out, then runs toward them.

But as Carlisle runs to attack, he and Aro meet each other mid-air, and when Aro lands, he has Carlisle's decapitated head in hand. We all watch in horror as Caius burns Carlisle's body. This causes everyone on our side to launch an attack. Chaos breaks out, with both sides undergoing deaths. I shift along with my pack, and we all run to take out as many of these as possible. I claw my way through them, taking out my frustrations on them. They deserved it. After all, they were the reason why my family was dead. Why most of my pack's family were gone, and why we were scared to leave sometimes or to be alone.

I yank off the head of one of the guards head, then look to find my pack. I see Timmy setting vampires on fire with just a single touch. Then I see Kimiko surrounded by her Firefox with her katana in hand, slicing through them easily. Scarlett slashed through them with her claws, along with Auggie and Milo. Then out of the corner of my eye see Seth fighting off some of the Volturi's witnesses when one comes up behind Seth. Before I could even do anything, the vampire gets his arms around Seth's throat and breaks Seth's neck killing him instantly.

"Noooo!" I hear Kimiko scream.

Just then, her firefox becomes even angrier. Her eyes glow brighter, and suddenly I see her start to spark with lightning coming off her body. I knew then that her full power had come out and that she'll be able to take care of herself.

In the middle of fighting, Benjamin uses his power to create a chasm in the earth. It then kills many of the Volturi, but I see one latch onto Esme. It was trying to get her to go down with him, but as I wanted to help her, I saw Leah jump onto the vampires taking him along with her down the trench.

"Leah!" Timmy screams out.

Like Kimiko, Timmy grows angry, and that's when I see Drystan take over his body. He burst into flames and then turned to vampires setting them on fire. He wanted them to suffer, knowing they had taken away his mate.

I turn and go after another vampire taking one down that was about to attack Timmy from behind. I rip off the head of another and then see that multiple vampires are attacking Milo. I run to help him, but before I make it to him, I see them break his neck. I stopped and was stunned, and before I could do anything else, I saw Auggie get killed off as well.

This caused something to snap in me, just like Kimiko and Timmy. I started to growl louder and panting harder. I felt my body grow in size, and I knew then that I had transformed into something deadly. All I could see was red, and I went on to destroy any Volturi vampires that got in my way.

Although I was in a giant wolf form, I could see Caius join the fight. But he gets his skull ripped off by Tanya and Kate in revenge for their sister. Then I see Vladimir and Stefan attack Marcus.

"Finally." He says, awaiting death.

Vladimir and Stefan kill Marcus. And I see Aro watching most of his army die, and I stalk toward him, ready to end this fight. He joins in the fight, and I see Edward and Bella go to attack him as well. They fight him off, with Aro almost ripping Edward's head off, but Bella kicks Aro off him. And staggering back, Aro ends up right in my path. I grab him by the throat and make him look into my eyes. I could smell his fear radiating as he looked into my glowing red eye.

"This is for my family." I say in a demon voice.

Growling in his face, I tear off his head with my teeth and throw his body and head away. Then Bella and Edward light his body on fire.

it a bit for me to figure out how to add Esmeralda and her pack into the fight scene but in the end i got it.
with the way Kimiko lost control imagine it like how Kira from Teen Wolf did when she couldn't control her Firefox. then with Timmy imagine it like when Parrish also from Teen Wolf didn't know he was a hellhound and wouldn't remember what he had down after. and as for Esmeralda imagine her turning into what Peter looked like in Season one of Teen Wolf in his scary Alpha form.
if none of that made sense to you it's okay just imagine it however you like that's fine.
hope you enjoy.

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