SIXTEEN. drinking blood & aching pains

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I was inside the Cullen's house with Milo, Scarlett, and Auggie as Timmy and Kimiko were with Seth and Leah outside

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I was inside the Cullen's house with Milo, Scarlett, and Auggie as Timmy and Kimiko were with Seth and Leah outside. With the threat of the pack after Bella and the Cullen's, I wanted them to help check the perimeter. They were happy to do this as they spent time with their mates.

I was beside Bella on the couch, occasionally taking her pain so she could be stronger. As I am done taking her pain and giving myself a break is when I see Bella shiver.

"Are you cold?" Edward asks.

Jacob stands, then takes my place next to Bella, "I got it."

"Don't do that." Bella said.


"Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world."

Jacob smiles even more, "You're one of them."

"Feels complete when you're here, Jake." Bella says, taking in his warmth.

A few seconds after Jacob warms Bella up, she looks sick. Even sicker than she already looked.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme said.

I shake my head, "Esme's right. The pain she's in keeps getting worse, and the amount I can handle taking isn't doing much, especially since she's not eating."

"If only I could see the fetus..."

"The baby." Rosalie cut Alice off.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants." Alice finishes.

Blood, I thought.

"Think you might be right. Jacob and Mera had the same idea."

I looked at Jacob in surprise.

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment." He said.

"Mine was an idea." I said with a smile.

Bella looks between Jacob and me, "What were you thinking?"

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into."

I shook my head, "I was thinking maybe it wanted blood."

"Mera's right. The baby is half vampire." Scarlett said, standing next to Auggie and Milo as they sat on a different couch.

"He's thirsty." Bella said.

"I know the feeling. If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood."

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella. Walk with me." Carlisle said, then he and Edward walked to his office.

When they both come back, Carlisle has a blood bag in hand, and he walks to the kitchen. He grabs a cup and pours the blood inside.

Jacob looks at it in horror, "Wait, wait, wait. You're gonna make her drink that?"

"It's the fastest way to test the theory." Carlisle says, throwing the blood bag away.

"Only if you're comfortable with it." Edward said to Bella.

"I'll try anything."

"Just hold on."

I looked at Jacob, and he made a disgusted face, and I laughed.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He said.

We all watched in anticipation as Carlisle handed Bella the cup of blood. She looked at it, unsure at first, then she took a drink.

"Tastes... good." She said.

We all laugh at her comment and smile. I turned to see Auggie and Milo with smiles, but I could tell they thought Bella drinking blood was weird.

Carlisle takes Bella's pulse, "Your pulse is already getting stronger."

I walk back next to Bella and take her hand. Black veins traveled down her arm and up my arm. "She isn't in as much pain as before."

"It's working." Esme says with a smile.

After Bella felt better from drinking the blood, everyone felt more comfortable leaving her side. Right now, Scarlett and I were standing on the front porch watching Auggie and Milo play fighting. Timmy and Kimiko were still helping Seth, Leah, and Jacob patrol.

Being away from the pack was hard. They had become my family. People who I thought I could depend on, but I was disappointed. And being away from Paul was so much worse. Being away from your mate for too long causes pain. Not a normal pain but an aching pain that you can feel in your bones.

I feel it now standing here. It makes it hard to stand for a long time, and it feels like I'm struggling to breathe. I missed Paul so much, and I wish I could be in his arms right now. But my family needed me, and he and the pack wanted to destroy them.

"Do you feel it too?" Scarlett asks from next to me.

"The aching pain?" I look at her, and she nods. "Yeah, I do. It's cause we've been away from our mates for a long time."

"This sucks." She said.

I chuckled, "Yeah, it does. I'm sorry, Scarlett."

"Why are you sorry?"

"You're only feeling the pain because you're here with me and not with Embry. You wouldn't be in pain right now if you weren't here."

Scarlett shakes her head, "Mera, you are my alpha. I will follow you anywhere. And yes, I miss Embry, and this pain hurts, but I will stand with you no matter what. The Cullen's are your family, and they have become my family too. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now."

I smile at Scarlett, then turn back to Auggie and Milo. I see Timmy and Kimiko walk toward the house with Leah and Seth smiling.

"I'm glad they're not feeling the pain. I wouldn't want all of us to be off our game." I say.

"Yeah." Scarlett said. "Do you think Paul and Embry feel the pain?"

"I'm pretty sure. I don't know if it's the same pain, but I know they feel something. We are their imprints, after all." I say.

We were both silent after that. I was thinking about Paul, and I knew Scarlett was thinking about Embry. We both missed our mates but knew we were doing the right thing—protecting Bella and her baby and the Cullen's. My family that's what is important right now.

both Scarlett and Esmeralda are feeling the effects of being away from their mates. while they hate it they are willing to stand for their family no matter what.
their are only four chapters left in part two then like i did before i'm gonna take a bit to write out part three for you guy. it shouldn't take long depending if i get lazy or not but since i really enjoy this book i'm sure i'll get it done for you guys.
hope you enjoy.

𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 ➜ 𝑷. 𝑳𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now