2. What will the night bring

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Yeah this chapter is early hope you enjoy it

That night was filled with weird dreams and like I thought Joseph was in them. Of corse he was. I still feel like last night wasn't real but I reach for my phone and open up my pictures and there I see 2 photos of Ashley and I with him. So yeah not a dream. I look the picture over and can't help but let a sigh out. I might post this on Instagram later when I'm more awake. I check the time on my phone and see it's just hit 9am. I get myself up and out of bed and head into the bathroom I have attached to my bedroom. I hook my phone up to my shower speaker and turn  on my Spotify to my rock/metal playlist. It's filled with 80s metal and bands from the early 2000s as well. I hit random and Linkin Park comes on first.

I turn my shower on then pull my pjs off and step into the warm water. I stand there and day dream about running into Joseph again and how he said he really hopes to see me again. God it would be amazing if we see him tonight and thats a big IF. I pull myself from my head and get to cleaning myself up. After im done I pull on some sweatpants and a blank tank seeing as I'm not doing anything till later tonight anyway. I leave my room and head down stairs to the kitchen I don't see Ashley anywhere so maybe shes still sleeping. I make my self some coffee adding some creamer in then take a seat in the living room and pull my phone out.

I scroll through my social media for a bit then decide I want to post the the photo of us and Joseph. I open instagram and add the 2 photos tagging Joseph and Ashley in it. I wrote under the photos.

  A night ill never forget. A girls night turned into drinks with Joseph Quinn. Stil can't believe we got to meet him. He's just as everyone would expect. Very nice and such a gentleman. Here to hoping we run into you again. - posted at 10:15

I also tagged the restaurant we were at and then posted it. Now I don't have many followers since im not on here a lot mostly friends and business I've dealt with along with some people I know from work. But I don't care will see what my friends say when they see the photos. I have a few who totally feel in love with him as Eddie and now they have been looking up other things hes been in.

I place my phone next to me and drink my coffee. After a few minutes I hear Ashley making her way down the stairs.

"Morning sleepy head." I say to her.
"Hey is the coffee machine still on." She ask
"You know it."

She walks into the kitchen and makes herself a cup then comes and sits right next to me.

"So last night."
"Wasn't a dream." I say to her.
We both laugh.
"Wait what happened when he stoped you from coming into the car?"
My face goes a bit pink before I answer. "He said that he really does hope to run into me tonight when we go out."
"Oh my god what if he thinks your cute or something." She squeals.
"Oh stop no way he was just being nice."
"Come on you didn't see it did you?"
"See what?" I say genuinely confused.
"He was flirting you, checking you out and his eyes barley left you while we were talking."
"He talked to you too and was looking at you."
"Girl please, not like how he was looking at you, im surprised he didn't ask for your number."
I let out a loud laugh. "Whatever you say Ashley."
"When will you get it through your head that your good looking. Guys are always checking you out."
"And when has that ever brought me to a good guy? Every guy I have dated has been a prick or controlling or cheated on me. Why do you think I haven't been with anyone in like over 2 years."
"You just haven't found the right one thats all."
"Im already 30 and not married with no kids I think I've come to terms with I'll probably stay single for life and really it doesn't bother me." I say and take a sip of my coffee.
"I doubt that but you can at least go have some fun." Ashley tells me and pats my knee.

Just then my phone goes off signaling a notification. I pick it up and see its from instagram so I open it and see that Joseph had liked and commented on the photos. My eyes go wide looking at my screen.

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