31. A much needed weeked away*

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⚠️TW: very spicy smut⚠️

Also I want to take everyone for 3K reads. For some it might not be much but it is for me. Thank you all ❤️ now enjoy this chapter!😏

Thankfully the rest of the week I didn't get any weird message and no photos where on line. The police tracked the number to a burner phone so no name came up and no phone. I've been feeling so uneasy but trying to keep going and focus on work and this weekend. Joseph wants to take me away for the weekend but he hasn't said where were going only that he's worked it all out and will be picking me up from work and we have a flight at 6 so I'm leaving early today. He had me pack a bag last night and took it with him so when he comes in the cab we can head straight to airport.

Everyone has been working hard this week and everything has been going good so im letting everyone go at 430 and my boss approved. Im working in my office right now trying to get things in order when I get a nock on my door.

"Come in." I say looking up from my computer and see Ashley walking in.
"Hey." She says smiling at me
"Hey whats up?"
"Did you take your brake?"
"No I just keep working but I ate a granola bar."
"Thats it?"
"I've just been keeping busy trying to make sure everything comes out how I want it."
"Ok well get up your coming outside for a quick smoke at least to get you away from the computer."
I laugh. "Fine." I say and stand up then grab my smokes.

We head down and out the back. I've been avoiding the front of the building this week. Also no one has seen that mystery lady walk by so thats good, at least for now.

"Are are you excited to get off today?" Ashley asks me
"Yeah I am and very curious as to where were going and I know you know."
Ashley just smiles at me.
"You wont even give me a hint will you?"
"Nope I made a promise to Jospeh, you will have to ask him when he picks you up."
"You both suck."

We finish up or cigarettes then go back in and up to our floor to finish with the work for the day.

Right before 4:30 I get a text from Joseph letting me know hes out front in the car. Its a black car and Chris will walk me to it. I thank him and get the rest of my stuff in order then shut everything down and head out of my office.

Once in the lobby Ashley tells me to have good time and she cant wait to see all the pictures. I give her a hug and Chris walks me to the car and opens the door for me. I thank him then get in. When the door closes Joseph pulls me twords him and gives me a kiss.

"Work go ok today?" He asks
"Yes it did, now can you tell me ware your taking me?"
He looks at me and I can tell hes thinking about it but he doesn't says anything.
"Oh come on Joseph ive been dying to know where we're going every since you said you wanted to go away this weekend." I give him my pouty face and just stare at him
he smile at me and lets out a chuckle. "Dublin, Ireland."
My mouth drops open. "No way."
"Yes way and I have some tours all booked up for us for Saturday morning and night. Your going to love it."
I lean over and give him a quick kiss. "Thank you." I say
"You deserve some time away and Ashley said you have always wanted to visit there and since its only an hour flight I said why not now."
"You to sweet." I say and lean my head on his shoulder and the car drives us to the airport.



The plan lands a little after 7 and since we didnt need to check our bags we got out of the airport pretty fast and took a car to our hotel. The hotel almost look like a chess board with glass windows and white siding all around it. It made me chuckle a little.

We walk to the front desks and Joseph checks us in and gets our room key and we head the 4th floor. When we get into the room it's absolutely beautiful our room is off to the right and it has its own living room with huge windows looking out twords the body of water right by us. We get out bags put into our room then I plop down on the couch and Joseph sits down next to me.

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