7. Midweek Drama

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Early upload hope you all enjoy. Have a wonderful Monday.

If I would have know waking up today was going to lead to so much Drama I might have wanted to just stay in bed. It's Wednesday and work has just been crazy the new girl Ariel is driving me nuts. I've been trying to help her learn how to do her job which again she should have know before she got hired, but she's just not getting it and it's putting us behind this project which I have to get done with by next Tuesday before I leave for America. I sigh as I try to go over again what she needs to do then have one of my other girls Amanda try to help her out because I have to get my part done. I head to my office and grab a cigarette because after 2 hours of helping Ariel my heads hurting and I need some air.

Stepping outside I feel the warm air blow around me wrapping me up and instantly making me feel a bit better. I light my cigarette and head to the side of the building pacing back and forth wondering what I'm going to do this with girl. I wanna give her a chance but I just don't have the time. Im going to have to talk to my boss about it maybe she can go to a different department. Never before have a longed for the weekend to come. Well really Friday when I have my date with Joseph. I didn't hear from him yesterday which is fine I was worn out from work anyway and he was with his parents and I wasn't going to bother him. I toss my cigarette out and head back in up to my office to get my stuff done for this project.

At around 3:30 I decided to head over to my bosses office and talk to him about the new girl. After telling him what was going on and how she really didn't know what she was doing he's going to look into her resume and see what was up and talk to the person who hired her without talking to me. Hopefully we can find something else for her to do id hate for her to just get fired.

When it hit 4:30 I decided I was going to go home and after dinner I can work on a few things from my laptop at home and get a little ahead with this project. I grab my things and head out of the office and go to the bus stop . Once on I hope off at the store near my house and decided I was going to walk the rest of the way home since it was like a block away. I pick a few things up to make spaghetti and meatballs then start my walk home. As I get closer to my home I see a group of people near my house, some with video camera and regular cameras. What could be going on here? I thought. When I get closer someone sees me and comes over to me.

"Are you Amara?"- lady 1
"Um why?" I say caught off guard
"Is it true you were hanging out with Joseph Quinn this weekend?" Lady 2
"Wait what?"
"How do you know him?" Lady 3
"Are you two dating?" Lady 2
"Um excuse me can I please just get into my house?" I say starting to feel a bit closterfobic with all the people starting to swarm me.
"You were the girl with Joseph all weekend arnt you?"- lady 1
"How long have you know him?- lady 3

My head starts spinning with the flashing lights and cameras being shoved in my face that I cant think straight.
"Please let me get to my house."
"How do you know the cast of Stranger things?" -Lady 2

Ugh what the hell how did these people even know ware I live.

"Oi! Wankers! Leave the poor girl alone and let her get into her house." I hear Luke say.
Luke whats he doing here? I think turning around and looking for him and there I see my tall blond friend making his way over to me.

"Who are you?"- lady 1
"Are you her boyfriend?"- lady 3
"Excuse us please." Luke says placing his arm around me and moving people out of our way.
The people keep shouting questions at me but I don't bother to answer any of them. Luke helps me to my door and with my hands shaking I fumble with my keys trying to unlock the door. Luke sees im having a hard time takes the keys from me and we get into my house and lock the door behind us.

"What the fuck!" I yell out as Luke takes the bags from my hands.
"Are you ok Amara?" He ask me after placing the bags in the kitchen for me.

I look down to my hands still shaking and lean my back against the door closing my eyes and trying to slow my breathing down. Deep breath in and slow breath out. I tell myself over and over. Finally im able to calm my nerves down and open my eyes.
"I'm sorry what did you say?"
"I asked if you were ok." He say coming over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Yeah im fine I guess, but um what are you doing here anyway?"
"Im here because I thought those people would be out there."
"Wait how did you know?"
"Let's sit in your kitchen, ill make you some tea and tell you what happened?"

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