42. Im Sorry

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"Amara can I get some help with this?" Linda asks me as I was walking out of my office.
"Yeah let me see whats up." I reply then head over to her.

Its Thursday morning and ive only been to work for 2 hours things are going well and my team is doing a grate job. Everything is looking good and were on tract to finish on time. Once again im so proud of my team

"That should do it." I say and stand up.
"Thanks it wa s just giving me a hard time."
"No worries." I tell her with a smile then head back to my office, just as I sit down my phone goes off signaling a text. I reach for it and turn it on and see its from Jospeh. My heart starts to race and my fingers tingle as my nerves start to set in. I haven't talked to him since Saturday and I really miss him so much yet I'm mad and upset with him as well. He  hurt me by not believing me and im not sure if this will be a good or bad text. I take a few deep breaths and open my phone up.

Joseph🎸- hey Amara I wanted to know if I could come by when your off work today. I really want to talk to you and im sorry its taken me this long to text.

He wants to talk, and he said sorry. Am I ready to forgive him? I sigh, we at least need to talk thats for sure. We can't let this no talking thing go much longer then it has.

Me- hi and yeah you can come by want to come over at 6:30 gives me and Ashley time to eat.

Joseph🎸- that's perfect ill see you at 6:30

Me- see you then.

I set my phone down and try to calm myself down but taking a few deep breaths. Is this good or bad? I mean he apologized for not calling me sooner. So maybe this is a good thing. Or he apologized because he does feel bad at how he reacted but might still be mad. My mind is racing now and I really need to focus on work. "Whatever happens happens" I tell myself. I push the thoughts from my mind so I can continue on with my work.

When lunch rolls around, Ashley comes into my office.
"Ready to eat?" She asked me.
"I think I'm just gonna stay here and work on a few things."
"oh, why?"
"Got a lot on my mind. Josep texted me. Wants to come over when we're off work so we can talk."
"Oh do you think it's good or bad?"
"Not sure, but he did apologize for not getting back to me sooner so it could be good. Or it's just him being nice and this is gonna be a conversation that won't be good."
"I don't know, if he apologized I'm leaning more toward it's good. But are you going to forgive him if it is good and continue to see him?"
I sigh "I mean I do care about him but it really hurt how he acted towards me."
"I know, we'll you can still forgive and make him make it up to you." She says raising an eyebrow.
I laugh "yeah ok go eat I'll see you later ok."
"Okay okay. Just remember everyone fights and your relationship is different and you two will have different arguments or fights over different things then most people." She says with a soft smile then leaves my office.

During the afternoon while I'm still In my office my phone goes off again so I flip it over I see it's a text from Maya. She had called me Sunday night when she saw everything in the paper and I told her what happened with me and Joseph she wasn't happy.

Maya- has that man child texted you yet?

I laugh
Me- yeah not to long ago he wants to come over and talk after work he did apologize for not getting back to me sooner.

Maya- I think he has a lot more to apologize for so make him work for it. I can't believe it took him 4 days to get back to you.

Me- it's whatever I guess . It could have been longer.

Maya- no don't you dare say that. He needs to grovel that was bull shit and he knows it.

Me- will see how it goes I guess

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