23. Monday Night With Joseph*

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🔥TW- 1st Spicy chapter I don't want to spoil it so I won't say much right now hopefully you all like it.🔥

"Ok that should all be fixed now, is everyone else doing ok." I ask lookin up from the computer.

They all shake there heads so I get up off the chair and let Jeff sit back down. He had run into a little problem but I was able to solve it so were back on track and thats all that matters to me.

I quickly look around and make sure everyone is working and head back to my Office, shut the door behind me and take a seat at my desk. I look over to the clock and see its only 1045. I let out a small groan. I knew today was going to drag on. Hopefully once this morning is done the rest of the work day will fly by. I log back into my computer and get going on what I need to get done.

Once lunch rolls around Ashley comes into my office holding up a bag of food.

"Ordered us lunch today." She says smiling at me
"Thanks Ash." I say getting up from my desk. "Let's head to the brake room."

We head to the brake room and take seat with Beth and a few other girls I know and start to eat our lunch.

"You know Ashley you have been catching on very fast." Beth says eating her salad.
"Thank you, I gotta say I learn from 2 of the best." She says glancing over at me and then to Beth who's been training her. I just shake my head and I see Beth give her a big smile.
"So how long have you 2 known each other?" Kim asks
"6th grade." I say
"That's a long time." Beth says
"It definitely is." Ashley responds.

After Ashley and I finish up eating we excuse ourselves to go have a quick cigarette. When we get to the lobby I see the security guard Chris that Joseph has for me is hanging around the front of the building.

"Is it ok to go out for a smoke?" I ask him as we approach.
"I'd say go out back if you can a few crowds and camera have been out here. Still trying to get you to talk about Joseph."
I sigh. "Alright we'll thanks for letting me know."
He shakes his head and Ashley and I head to the back and go smoke out there so no one can bother us.

"Looking forward to leaving I bet."
"You know it. I'm excited to see Joseph again."
"Seams like you did pretty well with him being away."
"Yeah but it's only the first time will see how this goes as time goes on. He could end up being gone for months whenever he gets his next roll or gone for almost a year."
"Yeah but that could happen maybe next year sometime. There is plenty of time for you guys to forge a stronger connection so if that happens you guys can both be strong and get through it."
"I know I was just saying but will see. So far so good right."
She smiles at me and we finish up or cigarettes then head back in and up to our floor.

Luckily the afternoon went by pretty quickly and very smoothly. We didn't run into any problems so once 5 hit we all left for the day.

Once Ashley and I got home I sent a quick text to Joseph letting him know we just got in then I ran upstairs to change into some shorts and a simple gray tank. I pull my hair up and freshen up a bit, sprits on some fruity body spray then head down stairs, as I make it into the living room my phone goes off. I look down and see it's Joseph.

Joseph🎸- picking up the food now. I should be over in 20 minutes.

Me- thank you again and looking forward to seeing you 😘

Joseph🎸- same here Darling.

I smile and take a seat on the couch and set my phone down on the table. Ashley soon makes her way down the stairs and comes and sits next to me.

"Did today seam to drag on for you?" She asks looking over at me.
"This morning felt that way."
"Yeah the morning definitely felt worse then this afternoon." She says resting her head against the couch.
"Well on a good note if we all keep up the good work would could get out of work early Friday. Well you guys will be able to leave before I do."
"I'll stay with you if you want. "
"You don't have to but will see how it goes."
"So do you and Joseph have plans for this week."
"No not really besides for Friday I think we're going to to Dinner with Jamie and his girlfriend Jess. Will have to call or text him and finalize everything."
"You will have to let me know how she is, maybe you will be making a new friend."
I laugh. "From what I hear she's very nice."

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