24. Not What I Had In Mind

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Tuesday at work went by smoothly though ive been seeing the paparazzi coming up to my building here and there throughout the day. Im happy they cant get into the building and for the most part it hasn't been to bad. I always just ignore them and I think there not to happy about that. But it makes me happy. I didn't hear from Joseph today but knew he was seeing a friend and I was so worn out from work I didn't get a chance to text him.

Its now Wednesday and im making my rounds around the office just making sure no one needs anything. I dont like to hover over anyone so I just kinda do a walk and see if anyone calles me over. When no one says anything I head back to my office and leave the door open so they know they can just come in if they need anything. I pull up some documents I need to work on on my computer and get to work.

Around 11:30 I start hearing a commotion outside . People are talking a bit louder and leaving rooms to gather in the hall. What is going on. I was just about to get up when Chris the one security guard Joseph has around to help me comes in, when he's in the room I see Joseph come in behind him holding a few bags of food and smiling at me.

"Hey." I say flashing a big smile.
"Hi I thought I'd bring in lunch for you and Ashley today."
I get up from my desk and go over to him giving him a quick kiss.
"Your to sweet. We need to find Ashley then and we might want to eat in here, seams like you caused a bit of commotion out there." I say looking out my door.
"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I did call your boss and give him a heads up though I didn't want to get you in trouble or anything."
"You called my boss?"
"Yeah I hope that was ok."
I smile. "It's completely ok, stay here I'll get Ashley and we eat lunch."
"Alright." He say placing the bags on my desk.

I head out of my office to a see people trying to look in.

"Get back to work people you don't need to be gathered in the halls or standing outside my office." I say
A few people groan and roll there eyes but I make it through and find Ashley with Beth.
"There you are Ash." I say
"Oh my god did you see who came in?" Beth says all excited.
Ashley looks at me confused and I just shake my head.
"Joseph Quinn came in here."
Ashley looks back to me and smiles.
"Yes he did and he brought lunch for me and Ashley." I say
"Wait he did, so the rumors are true then?"
I shrug my shoulders. "Come on Ash let's eat lunch, you can take your brake to Beth make sure everyone on the team take there brake as well."
She shakes her head and me and Ashley leave and go back to my office ware I see a few women trying to sneak a peak but Chris is at the door not letting anyone in.
"Excuse me ladys can you go back to your work area ." I say to them
They look at me and purse there lips then walk away. I look over to Chris who smiles at me.
"I'll wait out here make sure you guys arnt bothered."
"Thanks Chris." I say then me and Ashley head in.

"Let me clean up my desk and pull up a chair so we can eat." I say

The 2 move chairs up to my desk and we pull out the food and pass it out. Joseph takes a seat next to me and give me a smile.

"Thanks for bringing us food Joseph." Ashley says
"Your very welcome."
"So what are you up to today?" I ask him taking a bit of my sandwich.
"Nothing really been hanging around my house doing nothing."
"Why don't you come over tonight I was going to make some stuffed chicken." Ashley says.
Joseph looks over to me and I smile. "Don't look at me, you know your always welcome over."
He smiles. "I'd love to come over for dinner when should I be there ?"
"5:30 I don't think will be here late tonight."
"Alright we'll you know I could always pick you guys up after woke so you don't have to take the bus."
"Oh no it's ok the bus is pretty close to the office I don't want to put you out or anything." I say
"You sure? I really have nothing I'm doing today and I wouldn't more coming back to get you two."

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