17. Family And Friends

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I wake up to a nock on my door.

"Yeah." I call out in a sleep voice.
"Can I come in." My brother asks
"Yeah come in."
The door opens and Aiden walks in.
"Hey sleepy head its 9 get in the shower so we can go see mom."
"Alright I can be ready in like 45 minutes if thats ok."
"Yeah thats good. Im going to go pick us up some coffee, you want your usually?"
"You know it."
"Alright ill be back soon."

My brother leaves and shuts the door and I get up and grab some cloths for today. Shorts and red losses fit tank top then I head into the bathroom. Before I get into the shower I pick my phone up to quickly send a text to Joseph but when open up my messages I see I had gotten one from him.

Joseph🎸- i hope you have a wonderful day 😘

I smile at the text then send one to him knowing I wont hear back right away since hes on a plain right now.

Me- have a good flight today ill be thinking about you.💋

I hit send then put the phone down and quickly take a shower. Once done I dry my hair and leave it down then get dressed and decide ill skip the makeup today since it's going to be hot and I didnt need it melting off my face. Finally ready I head back to my room just as my brother comes back with the coffee, and I grab my converse and purse and head back to the living room.

"Coffee is on the table." Aiden says
"Thank you so much." I say picking it up and taking a sip of it.
"I got a few donuts to if you want to eat one before we go."
"Nice ok." I head to the box and pull one out eating it up quick because I was pretty hungry.
"Im driving to mom and dads and will take her to a few stores then back to there house since were having dinner there."
"Ok sounds good lets get going then its almost 10."

We head out and get in my brothers car and drive to our parents house.

We spend the day at a few stores with my mom shopping then stop and get lunch and hit one more store, since my mom needed something for the house. Once were done we head back to her house and make it there around 3 so she has plenty of time to make dinner. We help her bring the bags in then head to the back for a cigarette.

"Im already tired from all the walking around." Aiden says
"Think you need to get out and move around more." I say with a laugh
"Haha very funny sis."
"I think I am."
"Yeah funny looking." He says and pats my head.
"Oh whatever jerk." I say with a laugh.
Just then my phone goes off. I take it out of my pocket and turn the screen on to see who it is and it's Joseph.

Jospeh🎸- sorry i ment to text you when we landed but i took a nap. The meeting is tomorrow morning so ill let you know how it goes.

Me- its ok thank you for thinking about me. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

I close out my phone and place it back into my pocket.

"Was that Joseph?"
"He seams like a good guy."
"Yeah he really is he respects my boundary's and that a big plus for me. He wont push for anything either."
"Well thats good and you know I hope things work out for both of you."
I smile. "Me to but id be lying if I said I wasn't nervous ."
"Nervous about what?"
"Well if we continue to date and get more serious how is that going to go . And while were dating being apart is it going to be to much for either of us. Or am I going to be harassed by anyone. He's getting more and more attention so he'll get busier. But im trying to just shove that all away and just focus on the here and now and take it easy but you know how my brain works."
"Everything you feel is valid sis. But like you said just take it day by day if its meant to be you will both find a way to make it work."
"Your right." I smile then we finish up our cigarettes and head inside.

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