11. More Then You Think

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Another early chapter since I'm not sure when I can upload this week. It's a bit crazy over here so pleas enjoy and have a wonderful Monday!!

Monday was one busy day at work. To make sure everything is done for Tuesday I stayed till 6:30 which means Tuesday should be an easy day. Ashley also came into work and we meet with my boss. She brought her resume and he looked it over then asked her a few questions. Then he let me ask some questions and we hand to see if she was familiar with some computer programs which she was. I thought she knew them. He said he wanted her to come by again on Friday to see how she can work through some things. Luckily she has a doctors appointment that day and is leaving work early and can get there after that. He was very understanding since she has another job. So it's looking good for her.

More articles about me and Joseph have come out from the weekend. Someone somehow got a photo of him leaving my house Sunday morning so thats been fun. Its ridiculous the things people come up with but its just whatever. I've been avoiding looking at that stuff now. I could care less what others think and Joseph feels the same way.

I called Joseph when I got home and we talked a little Monday night . I said I'd text him when I got home Tuesday and he could head over then. He also said he would pick up dinner for Ashley and myself since he would be coming around dinner time.

It's now Tuesday and I'm at work. Everyone is working really hard and I'm so proud of every single person on my team. Despite being down one person were doing amazing. Its almost lunch time and im going around making sure everyone knows what they need to finish today before he head to lunch.

"Do you think you can change this here to that photo?" I ask Chris
"Oh yeah that really simple." He says
"Ok good. Your all good to take your lunch then and after lunch I want everything put together so we have the final presentation done."

I walk to the lunch room and grab my sandwich taking a seat with Missy and Linda.

"So are you excited to fly home tomorrow." Linda asks me
"Very excited I haven't been home since I moved here."
"That has to be so hard." Missy says
"It is but I love living out here so I wouldn't change it."

"So hows Joseph?" I hear a voice say from behind me.

I turn around and see Becky, a nosy woman in  another department. She always has to know everyone business and I decided to just ignore her and turn back to the other girl who look at me all confused. I shake my head and continue to eat my sandwich. Then Becky sits at our table and I cant help but roll my eyes.

"Can I help you Becky?"
"I did ask you a question?"
"And? Your point."
"Just waiting for an answer."
"And you will have to wait forever if you want an answer from me."
"Who's Joseph?" Miss asks
"Joseph Quinn from Stranger things." Becks says
"Wait you know him?" Linda says.
I shrug my shoulders.
"She's been in the paper with him for over a week now."
"Becky im going to say this as nicely as I can. But peoples personal life's are non of your business. Now I might not be your boss but I am your superior and if you continue to gossip or bug me or anyone else for that matter I will go to the head of your department. Me and Rob have a very good working relationship. So please keep to your work and dont bring this up again ok."

Becky looks at me shocked that I would even go there but she knows im serious.
"Im sorry it wont happen again." She says and gets up and leaves the room.
I sigh and get back to my sandwich. The other 2 girls look at each other then look at me. I smile and shake my head
"Not here ok."

They both understand and we continue to eat then when im done I head back to my office to grab my cigarettes and head out to have one really quick. When im back inside we start getting everything together so I can send the final presentation to my boss who will get it to the clients. Im double checking everything and at 3:30 I send it to my boss since im very happy with the final product.

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