35. Dior Show Paris*

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⚠️TW: SMUT at the end⚠️

I feel the soft press of lips on my neck and slowly open my eyes. I turn myself to my back and see Joseph sitting up on his for arm.

"Morning beautiful." He says then kisses my lips.
"Mmm morning." I say and stretch my arms out above me. "What time is it?"
"Its 9am going to have Breakfast sent up to us, if you want to get in the shower then Daisy is coming in at 10 to go over the day and will have to leave at 11:30."
"Alright." I say sitting up and climbing out of bed. "I wont be long so you should have time to shower before the food comes."
"Ok." He's tells me then gets up and goes to look over the menu.

He kinda knows me to well already since he doesn't even ask me what I want. I know he'll pick out something good.

I head into the bathroom and quickly shower then throw on some sweets and a new tshirt for now. Once im done Joseph tells me the food will be here in 30 minutes. While hes in the shower I go into the living room with my phone and take a seat in one of the chairs near the window. I see Joseph had opened the curtains and I had a clear view of the Eiffel Tower from ware I sat. I get up and head to the window unlatch it and push it open a little. The air from out side is a bit cool but not cold is actually very nice but it is cloudy out and looks like it could rain today you could even smell it on the air.

I lean againt the side of the window and just stair out the window going over just how amazing things have been going in my life. Yes im still dealing with whoever has those privet photos but im trying not to dwell on that to much. For now my mind is on the here and now. On me and Joseph and how I still can't believe my life had lead to this point. I definitely dont want to take anything for granted not one single moment.

I hear movement in the room and turn from the window. I can see Joseph walking over to his suitcase in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His soft curls on top of his still wet from the water. I watch as he pulls out cloths and turns around so his back is to me then watch as the towel falls to the floor. My stomach flips inside me and my eyes carefully takes in the wonderful view i front of me. He slides some boxers on then pulls on some sweets and he picks up a shirt. He Then turns around and our eyes lock. I can feel my face instantly heat up embraced that he caught me looking at him. I see a smile spread on his face and I have to quickly look away  back out the window.

"I saw that." I hear him say.
I shake my head and try to suppress a smile then feel his hands slips around my waist and turn me around to face him.
I laugh and place my hand on his chest as he looks down on me.
"Why are up blushing darling?" He says with a big smile.
"Why do you think?"
He laugh then places his index finger under my chin.
"You dont need to be shy."
"I know but I cant help it you have that affect on me." I say staring up into his eyes.
He chuckles then leans his face down and presses his lips to mine. My eyes instantly flutter closed and my body relaxes against his. Our lips press and move again each other till I open up and invite him in. His tongue slide in and I let out a soft moan and wrap my arms around his neck tilting my head to the side deepening the kiss.

My hands grip Josephs hair and automatically give it a tug making him groan and push me into the side of the window. The hand on my face slowly travels down then slips under my shirt and I let out a sigh but before I can do anything else there is a nock on the door.

We slowly brake apart and look at each other.
"Breakfast." I say with a laugh.
Joseph groans. "Ill get the door why don't you take a seat and ill get the food in here."

I give him a quick peck then take a seat on the couch.

Soon the cart is pushed in and Jospeh pulls 2 plates off and bring one to me then take a seat next to me. We eat and talk and I try a few other thing from the cart. When we're finished he goes to leave the cart outside and Daisy shows up so she comes in and we start going over the day.

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