14. The Basement

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I wake up at 8 on Friday and check my phone really fast and see I have a few messages I open them up and see I have one from Joseph. My brother and Ashley.

Joseph🎸- morning beautiful can't wait to see you later. Have fun shopping.

I smile and text him him back.

Me- morning to you handsome. And thank you . I can't wait to see you too.

Next I open the one from my brother.

Big Bro- hey I hope you had a good time last night I should be home at 5 was thinking we could do dinner at my place if that's ok.

Me- yes it was so much fun I can't wait to tell you all about it. I also have something for you. And yes I wanted to do that to, is it ok if I have Joseph over he wants to meet you before your show tonight?

Next is Ashley's

Ash🌸- girl you and Joseph are all over social media !!!! And omg you guys finally kissed???

Well hell someone took photos of us kissing or a video, I should have know but we both so caught up I the moment.

Me- well shit I should have know it would be all over the place. And yes he did it was amazing and it was while Metallica was playing Master of puppets.

I head into the bathroom to shower fast but skip washing my hair. When I get out I take my hair out of the Dutch braids brush it out and throw it up into a messy bun on top of my head and wrap a towel around myself and head back into my room to get some cloths. I throw on a pair of shorts and a black v neck lace trim cami and some sneakers. My phone goes off and I pick up seeing Ashley texted me back.

Ash🌸- I'm so happy for you. But please be careful while out you know people in the stats will be on the look out now. Hope you guys have a fun day.

Me- thanks and I will. I haven't even been on social media since yesterday I posted some photos of Metallica playing and a photo of us together. I left out any with Joseph just to keep his privacy but oh well. I'll talk to him later about all this.

I grab all my stuff now and request an Uber to take me to Michigan avenue then head out of my room and again my phone goes off. I look and now it's my brother.

Big Bro- yeah he's welcome to come and I look forward to seeing what the surprise is.

I put my phone in my bag and head out for a cigarette while I wait for my ride.

I walk around Michigan avenue for around and hour when I find the dress I want. It's tan with black lace all over it. The top is a corset style and the skirt part hangs right below my knee. It's perfect for the hot weather and so cute. I have some nude heals with as well. Once I get back to my brothers place it's 11 so I call Joseph up.

Joseph- hello darling

Me- hey I just got back to my brothers house . So what are you up to.

Joseph- nothing really went out for a walk this morning with Daisy nothing special.

Ugh she kinda bugs me I don't thinks she likes me much or something. She's definitely being a bit funny around me but I'm trying to just ignore it. I'm not sure why she wouldn't like me it's not like I've done anything to her.

Me- that had to be nice so your not stuck in the hotel room.

Joseph- yeah I needed to go walk and needed a new pack of cigarettes, though I think I'm going to try and cut back so I can quit.
He says with a laugh.

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