21. One stressful week

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It's Monday morning and I'm sitting in the conference room with the new clients going over some new product they want help with. I'm trying my best to take as many notes as I can and ask any questing that comes to my mind. They just seam very high maintenance and I have a feeling the next 2 weeks are going to be stressful . When the meeting is finally over and I have everything I need I head back to my office to go over my notes before lunch. After a few minutes I get a nock on the door.

"Come in." I say still looking down at the nots on my desk.
I hear my door open and close then look up and see Ashley . I smile and jester to her to take a seat.
"So how's your first days going?"
"Grate. Beth is amazing and explains things very well."
"She definitely is. So what can I do for you?"
"Just wanted to see how your meeting went?"
"We'll all I'll say for now is we're in for a long 2 weeks. Sorry this will be your first project."
"It's ok."
"Can you tell everyone on the team they can go take their lunch brake then will meat in the war room."
Ashley looks at me confused and I laugh.
"It's the conference room down the hall. We call it the war room. This afternoon I'll be letting you all know what's going on and will get started before we leave. Oh when your done eating come back to my office and will go out for a cigarette."
"Ok sounds good." She says then gets up and leaves my office.

I return to the papers in front of me and just pull out a granola bar to eat while I work out the plan for the next 2 weeks and making sure everything is in budget and who will be doing what. The time goes by fast and soon Ashley is back in my office.

"Did you eat?"
"I had a bar." I said standing up and grabbing my cigarettes and phone.
"Do you do this often?"
"Some days I just had to get the plan together before we all meet ."

We head outside and have a quick smoke and talk a little before we head back inside to start the meeting.

It only takes me a few hours to go over everything and by 2:30 everyone knows what to do and sets off to get started. I walk around a bit making sure everyone is starting and making sure Ashley is good with Beth, then I head back to my office to work on what I need.

Once 5 pm rolls around Ashley is back in my office. I wasn't paying attention to the time so I'm happy she came. We leave head home and once more we have reports out front.

"Oh you have to be kidding me." I say
"I was kinda wondering when they would should up again."
"Yeah me to I'm surprised it took them this long."

We exit the bus and walk towards our place and as we make it through the crowd I'm asked all kinds of questions about Joseph and Jamie. Ashley and I both ignore them and just make it to our house.

When I glance back I notice a black car with tinted windows and I know it's the 2 guys Chris and Ryan checking up to make sure I'm ok.

Monday night is spent just relaxing going over how Ashley's first day was then heading to bed early because we're both pretty worn out.

Tuesday getting to work was so much drama. When Ashley and I arrived at work we were bombarded by so many people outside trying to get to me that Chris and Ryan showed up to help us through the crowd and into the building. They said they would hang around outside and make sure no one got in. Of corse everyone wanted to know what was going on and my boss asked for me to come into his office.

"Your not in trouble Amara so don't worry I just want to know why thoes people are out there?"
"Well I started dating a guy who was in Stranger things."
"Really who?"
"You watch the show?" I say surprise
"My daughter loves it so I watch it with her but I don't keep with the actors in it like she does."
"Well the guy who plays Eddie Joseph Quinn I ment him last month and we hit it off and started dating. I've been seen with him the last few weeks and it's all over the internet. And they obviously found out ware I work now. I'm sorry about that."
"No need to be sorry it's not your fault. And wow really Joseph my daughter is obsessed with him. I took her to see him when he was in London at the fan expo."
"I bet you made her day." I say with a laugh.
"Yeah he seams like a very nice guy."
"He is."

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