41. Left Here Waiting

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Amara POV

The days go by pretty slowly after the blow up with Joseph. I refuse to call him and have yet to hear from him. The rest of the weekend I didn't hear from him and when Monday rolled around I pushed all my emotions and feelings aside and threw myself into work. I wouldn't even talk to Ashley about him and asked her not to even bring him up for now. I didn't want to think about him. He hurt me to bad and over something so stupid to. It's now Tuesday and I'm in my office working through my lunch. The clients for this week are very nice but want a lot done so I'm happy to have work distract me for now till I can figure out what's going on and what I want to do.I sigh and focus on my work till Ashley comes up to my office. 
"Did you have lunch?" She asks stepping into my office
"No I worked through it." I tell her looking up from my computer
She frowns at me. "You know you need to eat right?"
"And i did eat I just had a bar."
She rolls her eyes at me.
"Want to go out for a cigarette?"
"Sure." I say pulling out my cigarettes from my purse and heading over to my office door.

We leave my office and head down in the elevator and out the back. There had been reporters here once more asking about that stupid video. Chris and Ryan have still been around so I guess Joseph didn't take them away or at least not yet.

I light up my cigarette and take the fist drag off it.

"So how are you doing?" She asks me.
"I'm good, lots of stuff to get done on my end for this project. You doing ok with your stuff?"
"Yep haven't run into any problems."
"Hopefully it stays that way." I say with a smile.
She laughs but then looks at me and it looks like she wants to ask something else but I stare her down letting her know not to say what i think she wants to say. She sighs and we just smoke in silence for a bit.
"Are you wanted to do something this weekend?"
"I don't know I'll see how I feel on Friday so it will be like a last minute thing for me."
She shakes her head and we finish up our cigarette then head back into work.

The rest of the afternoon passes by pretty fast and we get to go home at 5. For dinner I just make myself a quick salad and me and Ashley spend the evening just watching tv and head to bed early.

Wednesday is the same thing and I still haven't even heard from Joseph. No texts no phone called nothing. I'm not sure what to think anymore. I have no idea what's going with him or us but I refuse to call him myself he was the one being an ass and he needs to apologize to me. I know I'm too stubborn to call him first anyway. Ashley and Jen have told me just text him but I'm not going to listen them. Why should I make the first move? I didn't do anything wrong. He basically accused me of lieing to him and believed a stupid video that wasn't even the hole encounter. Like how messed up is that. I've never given him a reason for him to think id even lie. I'm always honest and open. The longer I dwell on everything the more mad I get so once more it's shoved to the back of my mind but I can't help but wonder if he will ever call or if this is just it. No calls no texts and we're over? Would he really do that? Honestly I have no clue and it kinda makes me sad.

It's now Wednesday night and im watching a movie in my room when my phone starts to go off. I reach over and see its Jamie calling me.

Me- hey Jamie

Jamie- Amara how have you been doing love?

Me- well ive been better if im being honest.

Jamie- yeah ive been meaning to call you ive just been so busy but i finally had time. Me and Jess wanted to check in with you. We saw that video from last weekend and how the media is portraying it. It's absolutely ridiculous they're trying to make you out as the bad people.

Me- yeah thats not even the whole video I can tell you that. But I feel like they're doing it since im connected to Joseph and all. Gotta make me look bad and pull, him into it, bad by association I guess.

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