46. The Waiting Game

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When I eft Amara's that night I was very upset but I didn't want to let her know . I know she needed time and I was going to give it to her. She's been through a lot in just the 3 months of us being together its only fare I let her think this over. She's really been through more then I would have thought.

When I get home I go my living room and sit down on the couch tossing my phone next to me trying to go over everything in my head. I cant get Amara out my head if im being honest with myself. I sigh and lean back closing my eyes and just try to clear my head but im not having much luck with that. So I try to focus on whats going on this week, I actually don't have much to do this week one interview thats it, so I have a feeling this is going to be a long week. I'll have to get together with Logan maybe even Jamie. I could use some guy time get my mind off things and to just get out.

I glance at my phone a few times not sure why maybe im hoping she will already text me but I know thats foolish thinking. I groan picking up my phone and just head to my room for the night.


Wednesday I had nothing to do so I went and saw my parents for a while and I had dinner with them trying not to think of anything so I don't bring anything up that has to do with Amara and just enjoy time with my parents it did help to relax just a bit but they did end up asking question about me and her so I keep the answers short and I think they realized something was up and they were quick to change the subject to my relief.

Thursday was my interview it went good I was able to focus on that and put everything aside for a few hours. I had told Daisy what had happened and she felt bad for me but also understood where Amara was coming from. The moment I got home I was snapped back to reality. I had an urge to text Amara about the interview like I normally do but realized for now I couldnt do that. Then the thought came in my head "what if i never get to do that again?" that definitely bothered me but once more I could do nothing to change it.

Friday I got a text from Jamie who asked if I wanted to go out on Saturday and I said yes right away I also invited Logan since he was free. He said Ashley was going out with Amara and Jen. So Saturday will be a guys night for the three of us and I need this for sure. I could use a drink and talking to my mates always help.

It's now Saturday evening and im getting ready to head out for drinks with Jamie and Logan. I throw on some jeans and a black plain t shirt nothing special just casual. I fix up my hair and throw on some of my cologne then grab my phone and keys and head off to a pub not to far from my pace.

It doesn't take me long to get there and i see Jamie already out side smoking a cigarette he turns and sees me approaching flashing a smile at me.

"Good to see ya mate" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug.
"Good to see you to Jamie." I say pulling my own cigarette out and lighting it up.
"How are things going?"
I shrug. "Its been alright." I say pulling a drag form my cigarette and blowing the smoke off to the side.
Jamie gives me a once over and I can tell he knows im lying but he doesn't say anything and just nods his head.
"Anything new with you?" I ask him
"Nah not to much going on at the moment getting some down time and just working on my music."
"Anything new in the works?"
"A few songs im working on ill be sure to send them over and you can listen to them when im done."
I smile and nod. "Sounds good." I say with a smile then out of the corner of my eye I see Logan walking over to us.
"Oi, Logan over here." I call out to him and watch him walk right over to me and Jamie. We greet each other then toss our cigarettes out and I introduce Logan to Jamie since they haven't meet yet and we head into the pub grabbing a booth and getting some drinks.

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