37. Let them all know

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Its now Monday and its back to work for me. Joseph and I got home around 1pm yesterday then we came back to my place for a little and talked to Ashley. I had her tell me all about her date with Logan it seams they both had a very good time she said they also didnt kiss but are planing on going out again she even asked if we would do a double date with them sometime. Joseph liked that idea he said he liked to see Logan happy and he was looking forward to talking to him on Monday.

Im standing in my shower at the moment trying to get ready for work and I don't know why but I just don't want to go in today and im usually never like this. I just have a bad feeling about today or maybe its this week. I sigh and finish rinsing my hair then get out and get ready for work. I quickly dry my hair brush it out get some makeup on and pull on a black pencil skirt with a white button up blouse, grab my purse and phone then head down stairs. As I get to the kitchen I see Ashley already making me a cup of coffee.

"Got it ready for you."
"Thanks Ash, how was everything at work while I was gone." I say taking the cup from her.
"Not to bad Ben is a nice guy keep us going but I feel like your more strict then him." She says with a laugh.
"Haha yeah but we still have fun."
"Oh yeah it wasn't the same without you that's for sure."
I check my watch and see we have 20 minutes till we need to catch the next bus.
"Well will have too see how this next client is I really hope there not to bad."
"Hopefully not." She sasy drinking her coffee.

We quickly finish up our food then grab our stuff and head out to the bus stop. Once we make it to work and get off the bus I can already see a big group of reporters around the building and I feel my stomach drop.

"Shit." I say not wanting to move from the spot.
Ashley looks over to me her face showing a hint of concern. "Um yeah I should have mentioned that there was a lot of stuff of you and Joseph on the internet from your time in Paris."
Fuck my life.
"I should have known, I wonder if Chris is close by."
"I mean he usually is."
I pull my phone out fast and send him a quick text then when I look up I see the reporters have spotted me.
"Fuck think we could out run them?" I ask her
"Yeah I don't think we can in the heals." She says with a little laugh.

I sigh and we start to make our way over to them. Ashley links her arm with mine keeping me close to her and I can already feel my throat constrict with my anxiety rising inside me. Were soon meet with the reporters almost surrounding us and right away they start to shout of questions my way. Asking me about Paris and wanting me to confirm my relationship Joseph. Me and Ashley both ignore them and try making our way to the front of the building. My heart speeds up and I start to feel my chest constrict. Cant they jus go away. As we continue to move more and more questions are shouted at me till finally I see Chris making his way through the sea of people. Once he reachers us he puts his arm around me and moves the people out of the way helping both Ashly and I into the building.
"Are you ok?" He asks me once were in the building
"Yeah im alright." I say my voice sounding a little shaky.
"Ill be here all day let me know when your leaving ill get you two to the bus ok."
I shake my head and Ashley thanks him.

We head to the elevator and once in I let out a long shaky sigh.
"You really ok?" Ashley asks grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.
"I dont know, that kick in my anxiety hard thought I was going to have a panic attack."
"Yeah I thought so, make sure to talke a moment in your office alone then ok."
"Yeah ill get some water and sit for a little while thankfully we have around 20 minutes till I have my meeting."

Once we reach our floor I head to the brake room grabbing a cold bottle of water then head into my office shutting the door behind me and taking a seat in my chair trying to get myself to settle down. Today is not going to be fun.


"Wow thoes people are something else." I say in a low voice to my boss whos walking next to me.
"Yeah waiting something so complicated in such a short time im glad the meeting was only 2 hours."
"Well let me know if you need anything ok?"
"Thanks I will, I need to get all my notes together can you tell the team to head to the war room right away.
Ben chuckles. "I love how you guys named it that."
I flash him a smile. "Yeah the team seam to like it, gotta keep there spirits up and have some fun."
"True, ill go round the troops up for you." He says with a wink.
I laugh. "Thanks."

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