3. Saturday night fun

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Couldn't wait to post this so here you go. Hope you enjoy this one. I'll also post another one Wednesday or Friday. So you get 2 chapters this week.


When Joseph turns around I see his eyes light up...or did they am I seeing things? I watch his eyes flick down quickly then back up meeting my mine and his face pulls into a smile.

"Happy to see you darling." He says putting his hand out to me.
I reach my hand out and he take it then plants a very gentle kiss on top never braking eye contact with me. I feel my knees go week and try to hid the fact that I just want to scream.
"And Ashley you made it as well. So happy to see you." He says doing the same to her but its more quicker then it was with me but it still makes Ashley blush.
"You must be Amara, I'm Jamie its nice to meet you." Jamie says from behind Joseph and extends his hand out to me.
I reach mine out and just like Joseph he does the same but somehow it feels different. "Hello and I definitely know who you are. I loved you in Sweenie Todd you have an amazing singing voice."
"Why thank you love, that move was so long ago to but I do make music you know."
"So I've heard, I need to go check it out." I smile up at him.
"And hello to you to, Ashley is it?"
"Hello and yes it's Ashley." She says not able to control the excitement  she is feeling and who can blame her.
"Are your friends here yet?" Joseph asks
"I dont think so." I say and check my phone for any messages but I don't find any.
"I do believe this young lady asked for a cigarette." Jamie reminds Joseph.
"Oh yes." He says placing the cigarette back to his lips and lighting it then handing it to me.
"Thank you." I say taking it and placing it between my lips then take a drag off it. I can see Joseph watching me as I do this and it makes me crack a smile. I hand it back it him but not to his hand I place it back between his lips and give him a wink. Now ware this confidence is coming from I have no clue maybe the glass of wine I had helped, I don't know but I think I broke him because he doesn't say anything.

"You alright mate." Jamie says with a laugh placing his hand on Josephs shoulder.
"Yeah yeah im good." He says snapping out of it and pulls the cigarette out of his mouth then smiles at me.
"When will your friends be getting her?" Jamie asks Ashley
"Oh um." She says and fumbles with her phone. "They said 10 to 15 minutes."
"Perfect you guys are welcome to join us in the VIP booth we have, you and your friends its a big section so we should all fit."
"Who's all here ." I ask taking my eyes away from Joseph and looking to Jamie.
"Well there's the other Joe, Gaten, Maya, Fin, Natalia, Charlie and Sadie."
Ashley looks over to me and were both completely shocked at just who is here.
"Are you lady's alright?" Joseph asks.
"Yeah im sorry its just we have been watching the show since it came on and absolutely love it so hearing those names its a little overwhelming and we don't want to like act like any crazy fans or anything." I blurt out. I mean I wanted to be honest with them and upfront and im nervous so I can tend to talk to much and just blurt stuff out.

Both guys laugh and look back to us.
"We get it it's completely fine, will walk you guys in and introduce them to you then will find your friends after we get you two a drink." Joseph says flicking his cigarette away.
"Fallow me lady's." Jamie says leading the way.

Ashley goes ahead of me and I'm right behind her with Joseph. As we walk in he places his hand at the small of my back and I instantly get goosebumps. He leads me through the crowd and to the back ware I see a big booth and people sitting around it. My body tense up a little and I can tell Joseph felt it. He leans in close to my ear and whispers to me

"It's ok Love there all super sweet and lovely people just like anyone else."
I turn so I can look at him and give him a smile. I take a deep breath in and the 4 of us approach the table.

Jamie is first to the table and Ashley hangs back waiting for me and Joseph to come up next to her. I look over at here and she playing with her bracelet so I know shes really nervous. I elbow her softly and flash her a smile and she give me one back.

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