18. Back Home

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My alarm goes off right at 4am. It takes me probably 10 minute to get up then I take a quick shower and dry my hair a little. I pull on some sweets and a fitted black tshirt and I grab a hoodie to have on the flight. By 4:35 I'm ready and my brother helps me bring my bags to the car and drives me to the airport. Once we pull up my brother helps me get my things then pulls me into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you sis." He says giving me a squeeze.
"I'm going to miss you too. I'll let you know if I'm able to make it back for Thanksgiving."
"I hope you can."
"Thanks for everything. I'll text you when my plane lands."
"Ok have a safe flight."

I say by then walk into the airport and get through everything. I grab a coffee then take a seat and wait to be called to the plain. Right before I get on the plain I get a text from Joseph.

Joseph🎸- have a safe flight home

Me- thank you I'll text you when we land.

I also text Ashley and let her know I'm at the airport and when my plain lands.

Since I didn't sleep to much last night I was hoping to pass out on the plain for a bit. I'm able to at least sleep for 5 hours  So I only have to pass 4 more hours so I watch a few movies till the plain lands and it's now 9pm London time. I go and collect my bags then text my brother, my parents, Ashley and Joseph that I've landed and I go and catch the bus outside and make my way home. I don't get to my house till 10:30 and see Ashley waiting for me in the living room.

"Oh my god your finally back home." Ashley says runing up to me and giving me a hug.
I drop my bags and hug her back.
"I've missed you too girl." I say "why are you still up anyway?"
"Well one you were coming come and two today was my last day at my job. I wanted a few days off before I start with you."
"Oh nice, ok let me get my things put away and we can catch up before I end up crashing for the night and probably most of tomorrow."

I take my bags up to my room then changed into some shorts and a tank. I needed to get into some clean cloths after being on a plane for 9 hours.

I pull out the bunny Joseph got me from build a bare and place it next to my bed and put the extra cloths for it in the top drawer of my night stand. I then grab a cigarette and run down stairs.

"I need a smoke lets go out back." I say
"Coming." She says fallowing me down the hall and out to the back porch.

We light up our ciggerets and I lean against the house.

"So you have a good time?"
"I did it was so good to see everyone oh and Sarah and Katie said hi. Sarah also has her first big model gig to."
"Oh my god really thats so awesome I bet shes super excited."
"She is."
"So it looks like you and Joseph had a good time to." She says with a smile.
I roll my eyes. "Yeah im sure you saw all the photos and articles."
"I did but I didnt really read much of the articles just looked at the pictures of you two. You guys really are cute."
"So did anything happen between you guys." She asks with a big grin on her face.
"No we did not have sex, but we came close a few times thats for sure."
"Oh why didnt you?"
"To soon and we almost did on Sunday the last night we got to spend together but we both didnt want to cross that line yet. He said he didnt want to do that because he was leaving the next day so he didnt think it was right to do that to me."
"Oh my god girl he seams perfect."
I laugh. "No one is perfect but ill say so far he comes pretty close to it."
"To bad he doesn't have a brother." She mumbles
"Ashley." I say shaking my head
"What its hard to meet a decent guy, maybe he has a cute friend."
I Burt out laughing I just cant help it. "Maybe will have to wait and see."
"I can dream at least."
"Hey how was your birthday you never told me"
"Oh it was fun just went to a few bars really got some free shots and drinks so that was nice."
"You get pretty drunk then?" I ask with a smile.
"Yep had a horrible hangover Sunday it was the worst." She says with a laugh.

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