Chapter one. Home

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When ever you come across a letter with these after ":" think of someone that starts with that letter. Example, c: is Colby is talking. Y: is you are talking. S: is Sam, Seth, or stas talking. Enjoy!!

Y/n's pov-

I can't believe that I am moving in with Kat today! This will be so fun! I'm too tired of New Hampshire. But I hope that her school will be fun. And I'll get to meet her bf! I don't remember his name that much. Eh it's fine, idc.

?: we are almost there hun! Are you ready?
Y: yess!!! I'm so exited!
?: haha I bet. I'll be a few towns away. Not that far.
Y: yeah yeah, oh! That's it! Right?
?: yes it is! Haha.

Your mom drives over to the parking lot and stops the car and lets you get out and helps you bring your bags in. You ring the bell and you see kat!

Y: ah! Hi Kat! I missed youuu
K: hey cuz!! Let me take your bags! Come on in! Stop standing outside.
Y: ok haha! By mom!
M: bye hunny. Be safe? I love you!
Y: love you too! Bye!

Kat shows you your new room and your jaw drops. A full sized bed, fluffy carpet, tv with mini fridge and a couch! OH MY GOD AND A WALK IN CLOSET!

Y: oh. My. GODD

You scream and then you hear someone run up the stairs.

?: holy shit what was that?!
K: oh hi Sam haha. I just showed y/n her new room. I told you she'd like it!
S: oh, hi y/n! In Sam. Nice to finally meet some of kats family!
Y: hi Sam, same goes to you. Can I put my stuff away kat?
K; of course! Want me to help or no?
Y: I'll be fine. Thank you!
K: ofc! Have fun haha.

She walks out holding sams hand and you only think of how cute they are. By the time you finish putting all your clothes away it is 12am. you hear the door slam downstairs. you are curious to see who it is so you open your door and look down the stairs.

You see this tall man with a hat on, skinny herbs, and a t-shirt with a backpack on his phone.

You sneak down the stairs wearing your hair in a high messy bun, black cropped tank top and grey sweats and slippers.

He sits down on the couch and you sneak behind the couch.

Oh. He smells good. You think you look on his phone and you see him texting some guy called short bro? Who could that be. Oh! It's Sam.

You stand up and cough. You obviously scare the guy because he jumps off the couch and yelps

Y: um who r you?
?: who are you?
S: oh hey Colby! That's kats cousin. Her name is y/n.
C: oh. Hi y/n, I'm Colby.
Y: my eyes are up here haha. Nice to meet you Colby.
C: pleasure is mine.

He bows as a joke he says. He lays down on the couch and sighs. He looks over to you and smiles.

C: come sit down I don't bite
Y: never said you did.
C: blah blah. I could tell you were thinking it
Y: how?
C: I was right?
Y: no
C: you sure?
Y; haha yes.

You giggle then you notice he laughs with you. You sit next to him then you put the tv on. You put on a paranormal show and Colby starts talking through it.

C: did you know that his phone in his pocket is making that go off?
Y; no
C: did you know that-
C: what?
Y: I get it, I like this stuff to. But you don't have to ruin it for me
C: i wouldn't say that I am ruining it for you.
Y: stop talking!

You chuckle then un pause the show.

C: make me.

You look over to him seeing that he was being serious. You start blushing then stand up to get some water.

C: y/n I have a question for you
Y: yeah?
C: me Sam and Kat are going to the a haunted play tmrw. Wanna come?
C: ok! Haha.

You see him turn away and smile while doing so. He stands up and comes next to you. Holy shit he's tall. You knock his hat off and he sighs.

C: are u serious right now?
Y: totally serious.

He laughs and Bends over to get it then comes back up flipping his hair.

Y: holy fuck.
You whisper not thinking you were saying it out loud. You find out to seeing Colby smirking while looking at you.

Y: I-I mean uh. Here's your water
C: stop trying to play it cool, I heard you.
Y: heard what.
C: you saying something when I stood back up
Y: ok I said that. I have to get some sleep.
C: nice y/n. Don't forget about tomorrow.
Y: how could I? I'd be with you and Kat all day
C: and Sam!
Y: oh yeah
C: how could you do Sam like that?
Y: I was kidding. Haha
C: sure sure. Now go away

You both start looking and then you go upstairs.

Y; oh fuck!

You hear someone knock on Your door.

Y: ugh. Come in
C: is everything ok?

You hear it's Colby and your heart warms. You feel numb I side and stutter your words.

Y: I f-forgot my b-body pillow-w.
C: why are you stuttering?

He walks up and goes face to face with you. You begin drowning in his blue eyes and think about you and him together. Right here. Right now.

C: why do you need it?
Y: I can't sleep without it.
C: oh. I'll stay in here with you.
Y: really?
C: yeah!
Y: wow.. thanks..
C: of course! We leave early tmrw for it. So let's get you to sleep.

You both climb into bed and he spoons you under the covers. You move his hand to your hip. You smile then try to sleep. He falls for it the kisses your shoulder.

You turn and face him. You see his eyes wide open you move your body closer to him then move your legs over his.

Y: you feel that way?

He leaves his face puzzled. You give him a look and move his hand again but this time on your cheek. You both pull your faces closer, but while you were watching Colby admiring you, you hear Kat walking in the hall.

You quickly turn around to the other side of the bed and pretend to sleep while Colby does the same, but gets on top of the blanket.

K: y/n? Hello?

She opens the door and you here were sigh.

K: I see big things for you too.

You hear a click like she took a picture and you have butterflies. You can have the photo! You begin to drift off to a nice sleep and you hear Colby sigh and then you hear Kat walk out.

You feel Colby's hands pull you closer to him then he spoons you. You smile softly before you drift off to sleep.

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