Chapter 34. Mall day!

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Place - car
People - Colby you Sam Kat
Time - 12:13pm

Y: Sam could you drive any slower?
S: I'm drinking here
K: chug!!

Colby cheers Sam on while he's chugging a white claw and you realize Sam is still driving.

Y: wait Sam your driving

He mumbles because he's still chugging and you laugh.

Y: your driving! Don't get drunk!
S: right

He puts the can down and stops the car because your at the mall.

Y: let's go!!

Colby opens the door and you climb over him to get out.

C: hold on!

He laughs and you smile.

Y: shopping spree!!
K: Woop Woop!!!
S: y/n get Colby some colored clothes
Y: aww I like emo colby, it's hot

Colby softly laughs.

K: stop flirting, and get off of Colby!

Instead of you getting out Colby holds you and gets out.

Y: Colby!! Your going to drop me!!
C: I won't

He puts you down and you take his hand and run into the mall with Kat and Sam close behind.

Y: ok where do you get your cologne?
C: over here

You both quickly walk over to the store and your overwhelmed by the strong smell.

Y: woah
C: smells so good in here
Y: show me where it is!
C: alr alr here!

He shows you the cologne and buys it for you.

Y: thank you ml
C: of course. Now show me where your perfume is
Y: kk! Kat
K: hey!
Y: where's your Sephora?
K: oh it's upstairs! Cmon let me show you

You Sam Kat and Colby all go upstairs and she shows you where Sephora is.

Y: thanks!
K: ofc! I needed some new stuff anyways.

You take Colby's hand and you go into Sephora and show him your perfume.

C: it smells so good
Y: that's why I wear it
C: no really?

You laugh while he buys it for you and you both walk out.

Y: Colby you need some new hoodies
C: so you can have them?
Y: so I can take the ones you already have and I do t leave you with 0.
C: thank you

He laughs and you go into a store and he starts looking for clothes.

C: ooo this one's soft inside
Y: it is! Take it, oooh! This one!!

Colby ends up getting 4 more sweaters, and 2 tshirts, and 2 pairs of pants.

C: you don't even fit in my pants
Y: I'll wear your sweatpants and pj pants
C; alrighty

You both laugh and he gives you a soft kiss and pulls you close while walking down the halls of the mall.

C: here we go with the expensive stuff
Y: ugh fine
C: I was kidding. I'm paying, go get something.

You get a peppermint mocha Frappuccino while he doesn't get anything.

Y: mmm this is so good!
C: let me try

He takes a sip and his eyes light up

C: this stuff is good!!
Y: I know! It's one of my favs.
C: as it should

You laugh and you meet up with Kat and Sam again to head back to your car.

?: sam and Colby?!!

You all turn around and see 2 fans literally shaking with their phones out.

C: hello!
?: hii! Sorry to bother you could we please take a picture?
S: of course!
?: omg hi y/n!

She gives you a hug and smiles. You hug her back and you ask if you want to take her picture with Sam and Colby and she says sure.

Y: pose! Do something funny!

They all make funny faces and you give them a count down.

Y: 3!.. 2!.. 1!

You take a few pics bc you don't know which one she would prefer.

?: hi! Thank you so much. My names lily and her name is Astrid.
C: so nice to meet you guys! I don't have anything with me.
L: you don't have to give us anything it's fine!
C: I do it with everyone, it's fine! Come with me fire a sec. Sam do you have the car keys
S: I was driving so yes, here

Sam tosses the keys to Colby and you all follow Colby lily and Astrid to the car and Colby looks for something in the back.

C: here!

He takes out 2 of his tshirts and hands them over to the girls.

L: thank you so much!
A: you really shouldn't have!
S: I feel bad I don't have anything
A: it's ok!! We really just wanted pictures. Thanks again
C: anytime!
L: bye!!

The girls give Sam and colby a hug then you and Kat.

Y: bye!!
K: they were so sweet!
S: I know! We need to meet more people like that.
C: for real! Now, sense we are already at the car might as well head home?
Y: sure! What then
C: like?
K: something pong. Not water that's not fun
Y: ohhh like different drinks in each cup?
C: sweet! I'm in, what drinks?
K: that's the problem. We don't have a lot of stuff
S: let's go get some! Get in the car guys.

Everyone gets in the car and gets on their phone to look up some drinks that hit hard.

S: alright we are on our way!
Y: let's go! We don't have all day!!

Sam speeds over to the liquor store and everyone hops out and rushes in.

S: me and Kat have the wine!
C: me and y/n have the rum!
Y: ok ok no time to lose! Cmon

You run over to some whisky and ask if Sam would like it.

C: uhhh maybe, we'll still get it
Y: k. Definitely some of this
C: beer is over here, some of that?
Y: gin!!
C: oh yeah to make it look like water
Y: yup! Champagne?
C: yes! Ok so now that our cart has 2 things each, let's go check out and wait for Sam and kat.

You and Colby are waiting in line to check out and this older woman looks at you two.

?: still partying? How old are you guys.
C: well I'm 26 next week
Y: and I'm 23.
?: still partying? He's closer to 30 then 20.
C: please don't remind me
Y: oh yeah! Haha! I still love you though
C: as you should

You both laugh and the woman looks disgusted. You and Colby are looking down and smiling trying not to laugh. You look over to him and he look over to you. You both burst out laughing and the woman leaves to go to the next line.

Y: I've never tried not to laugh that hard
C: that was awesome
Y: I know right?
?: next!

You both check out and the total was almost $200!!! You both go over to the door and wait for Sam and Kat.

K: oh there you guys are! Sorry we took so long. We got some other stuff
Y: it's fine! We did too.
S: ok let's go!

You all rush over to the car and put everything In the trunk of the car and off you go home.

Y: what guys do we even have a ping pong ball, or red solo cups?
K: ooh.
C: yes we do, we had a party a few weeks before you came along and I still have some cups and the ping pong ball
S: ok. Dies anyone ha e a music Playlist?
Y: let's just play a random one on Spotify
S: k

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