Chapter 63. Visit

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Place - hospital
People - you nurse and Colby
Time - 10:54am

(There's been a time skip of a few weeks cause nothing new was happening 😭😭)

N: I bet he was pretty nice
Y: yeah. He's supposed to be back in a couple days right?
N: yup! Want me to pull out the side of the bed for you to lay with him
Y: oh sure!

The nurse pulls the side of the bed and scoots Colby to the side.

N: I'll leave you two alone. I'll be at the front if you have any questions.
Y: ok thanks

She leaves and you take off your slides. You climb onto the bed and get under the covers with Colby. He has more color on his face and he's warmer then last time you saw him. You rest your head on his chest and you close your eyes then You feel his heartbeat and you smile. Not having him around has been really hard and stressful on you and Sam. You hold his hand and you feel his grip tighten. Your eyes widen and you sit up surprised.

Y: holy shit

You look at Colby's face hoping to see his eyes open, but instead you see a smirk. You climb on top of him and give him the biggest hug ever.

Y; oh my god
C: I couldn't help it
Y: how long have you been up for?
C: a day, i told the nurse not to tell you
Y: oh my god I missed you so much.

You look and Colby in the eyes and admire his blue eyes. You look at his lips and see him smile.

C: it's been a hot minute since..
Y: Colby!
C: what? Nobody's here

You smile and he pulls you closer for a kiss. You smile into the kiss as he rests his hand on the back of your head and the bother on your waist.

Y: babe

You mumble into the kiss.

C: give it a sec.

You softly smile into the kiss as he tilts his head to the side and bites your lower lip. He sits up and you wrap your arms around his neck holding the kiss and he kisses your neck.

Y: god I've waited to long for this.
C: I couldn't help it. But I'm here now

He whispers into the kiss. You smile and tilt your head to the side as his hands move around your body.

Y: your gunna have to wait till home
C: look who's talking.
Y: ikr

He look you in the eye and rubs your inner thigh with his thumb. You smile and give him a hug. He rubs your back and rests his head on your shoulder as you do the same to him. You let out a sigh and smile as you both hold the hug.

Y: I missed you so much. I can't wait to take you home
C: I missed you more. I can't wait to go home.

He says in a seductive voice. You smile and give him another kiss and don't pull back.

Y: don't do anything crazy, Sam told me ab your uh..
C: ugh. That's only when I workout
Y: mhm
C: I swear! Why do you think I- nvm.

You softly laugh into the kiss and then the nurse knocks on the door.

Y: shit

You quickly get off of him and he lays down. The nurse walks in and sees Colby heart rate thing is going crazy.

N: oh are you ok? How are you feeling?
C: pretty good.
N: I wonder why your heart rate is going up
Y: my fault sorry
N: what happened?
C: she scared me
N: ok.. we'll anyways, Colby so far so good. No cancer no nothing. Your gunna be free in 1 day bc you've already been up for one k?
C: alright! Thanks
N: anytime

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