Chapter 20. Amusment park day!

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Time - 12:31pm
People - Sam and Colby
Please - car

C: are you ready y/n?
Y: a little nervous.
S: this is going to be so much fun!
Y: where's Kat
S: she didn't feel good.
C: shouldn't you be there for her?
S: trust me when I tell you I tried. She really didn't want to get me sick and would watch me having fun later.
Y: aww poor Kat.
S: there she is
Y: oh my god.
C: we are going on that big one!
Y: that's like 300ft in the air with a drop!
S: looks so fun
C: alr let's get out now!

Colby parks the car and you all get out. You both go over to the ticket booth to get tickets of course and you start walking around with Sam and Colby at your side.

C: ok let's go!
Y: we are we actually doing this
S: why not?
Y: ok-
C: it's perfect too because you can fit two rows of three on the ride!
Y: alr.
S: guys look at the line! We have to hurry!

You take Colby's hand and you all run over to the ride. You guys manage to get to the line in time and you all take a breath.

C: that was uh.. runny.
Y: runny? Is that a word?

You all start laughing and Sam tell you two to turn around.

S: guys there people looking at us. We have to turn around
Y: oh. Why don't you guys talk to them?
C: we usually do, I just want the right time to tell them about us y/n.
Y: right.

You smile then look down. You see Colby notices and takes your hand. You look over to him and smile.

Y: oh my god it's already our turn
S: are you guys ready?
C: I highly regret this
Y: come on Colby!
?: you have to sit in the middle.

The man takes your hand and buckles you in the middle. You look over to Colby and see him looking up with his arms crosses.

?: you guys can chose whatever side. 3 people have to sit behind you tho
Y: oh that's ok!
C: alr

Sam and Colby both sit next to you and you look over to Sam.

Y: Kat told me you didn't like going upside down on rides?
S: wait we go upside down on this
C: cmon y/n!
Y: I thought he knew!

You turn back to Sam and hold his hand.

Y: your gunna be ok! We're safe, you might actually like it!
S: mhm.

He takes a hard swallow and then you lean back in your chair so Colby could also comfort him.

C: alright man? This is going to be fun! Your gunna love it.
S: last time I hated it tho
C: how long ago was that?
S: like 3 years ago.
C: 3 years! You changed since then, not much but enough.
Y: guys the ride is starting!
S: oh shit
Y: it's going to be ok.

You hold his hand one last time and look over to Colby and hold his. You give him and smile and then he places his hand on your thigh. The ride starts moving and it immediately goes straight up. (Like this ⬆️)

Y: oh my god
C: not you too
S: this part isn't that bad-
Y: what if-
C: shh.

You look over to Colby and you tighten your grip on his hand.

C: everything's fine guys, the ride isn't going to break. I've done it before
Y: ok.
S: that sounds nice
Y: huh?
S: the ride not breaking.
C: omg
Y: here comes the drop-

You guys get to the drop and you all start screaming your heads off, expect Colby is laughing?!


You feel the wind blow up against your face and in your ears. You can't even turn your head to the side because the ride was going so fast.

You all see the turn upside down coming up and you hold onto Sam. You say it's going to be ok and fun. The ride goes upside down and shortly after that the ride stops.

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