Chapter 37. Landing

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Place - airport
Time - 2:16pm
People - you and your mom

You and your mom go over to a seat to sit down. You take your phone out of your bag and connect to the airports wifi.

M: I'm going to go to the bathroom, also there's someone I need you to meet. You know Niki?
Y: your best friend? Yeah why
M: so she has a son-
Y: mom! I'm dating Colby remember?
M: oh please you really think I want you to date him?
Y: I hope "him" is your friends son.
M: yes I am, I just want you to be nice to him. That's all. He 24 for the record, turned 24 last week so.
Y: cool idrc.
M: him and Niki will be picking us up too
Y: just go to the bathroom

You call Colby and wait for him to answer. You look at the wall while waiting and he finally answers.

C: hi sorry I was in the shower
Y: there you are! And it's fine, I just wanted to tell you I landed safely.
C: good. who's driving you home?
Y: my moms friend.
C: anyone else?
Y: my mom said maybe her son-
C: mhm. Ok, please give me daily updates.
Y: I'll FaceTime you every day!
C: that sounds great!

You hear Kat yell on the phone. You laugh and he sighs.


You smile after he said he would be down once you two finished talking, and you trust stas.

Y: I want you to have fun.
C: your stuck in an airport with your mom, where is she anyways.
Y: bathroom, probably trying to set me up with her friends son.
C: I miss you

He mumbles. You can tell he didn't like saying that, but he did. You smile and sigh.

Y: I miss you too. More then ever, I really wanna be home rn.
C: well I mean you are 23, you can.
Y: I can't just leave my mom. She won't make safe choices
C: true, that's understandable! You do whatever your comfortable with.

You can tell he's calm and completely ok with whatever you want to do. You smile and FaceTime him instead of normal call to see him.

He answers and you see him laying on his stomach with a black baseball cap, his screen glasses, and no shirt on.

Y: hi
C: why hello

You both laugh.

C: sorry I don't have a shirt on, I got out of the shower to answer you.
Y: you didn't have to do that, I would be fine.
C: I wasn't going to miss your call, not in a million years.

You both smile and he closes his eyes and puts his head down.

C: nice shirt.

You smile and see it's his always tired hoodie and you laugh.

Y: thanks.

He smiles and opened his eyes again.

C: I-

Colby sighs.


You laugh and he looks over to you.

C: I'm really sorry their gunna be up my ass for the rest of the call and I don't want you to hear me yell, probably hurts your ears.
Y: ok!
C: I'll put my shirt on though.

He sets his phone up so you can see him and he's still in his towel. You laugh and he does a little spin.

C: like the view?

He says while laughing.

Y: obviously

You smile and he takes off his hat and glasses.

C: ok help me with my outfit.
Y: black skinny jeans
C: obviously

You both laugh and he gets the jeans.

C: chain or no chain?
Y: hmm yes. Oh! We could be matching! I have your now or never t-shirt on rn
C: bet! Ok so jeans, and that t-shirt. Got it! And I'll wear the necklace we both have

You smile because you two still are matching even hours away.

C: alr!
M: Y/n! Is that Kat? Who are you on a call with!

She looks at your phone and sees Colby on the phone with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

M: why does he never have a shirt on!
Y: cause he just got out of the shower to answer me.
M: ugh alright.
C: she was helping me with my outfit sorry
M: boys don't do fashion- nvm.
Y: mom! Yes they can. Sorry Colby
C: nah it's good.

He puts the shirt on and then turns his camera off to put his jeans on. He turns the cam on when he's does and he runs his fingers through his hair.

Y: do that again.

You both laugh and he does it again, you take a ft picture and he smiles.

Y: sorry too hot not to get.
C: I'll do more poses

You both laugh and your mom rolls her eyes.

Y: that's still on your neck?!
C: yup.
Y: that's from like 3 nights ago!
C: I know! I'm surprised you don't have one from last night
Y: I do!

You move your hair to show him your neck where he was kissing you when Sam and Kat was still in the room.

Y: I was a little scared tbh. You have two completely different drunk sides
C: oh yeah I forgot ab that
Y: you have a funny side
C: then sexual
Y: very. I was Like holding you back sort of. But then you calmed down after a bit.
C: sorry haha.
Y: don't be, it was-

You mom taps your shoulder and you forget she was there. You make an oops face and Colby laughs.

Y: oh hi mom- I forgot you were there. Um when's Niki gunna be here
N: I'm right here! I missed you!!

Niki gives you a hug and you hug her back with Colby still on the phone.

C: I'll go now k?
N: who's that
Y: oh that's my boyfriend Colby!
N: hi Colby! So nice to meet you! Anyways y/n this is Alexander!
A: you can call me Alex. What's good!

He touches your shoulder when saying that and you back up.

Y: nice to meet you.
A: pleasure is mine.

You look down to Colby and see he's pissed.

A: who's that?
Y: this is Colby-
C: her boyfriend.
A: sweet nice to meet you man!
C: mhm. I'm gunna go now y/n, sams gunna kill me.
Y: that's a good idea, can't lose you.

You both smile.

Y: bye babe, I love you
C: I love you more, talk to you later lovely.

You smile and he winks at you. You hang up and you turn to your mom.

A: he probably sucks tbh. Toxic relationship? I gotchu. Come here-
Y: back off what the hell? Mom I'm not going in the car with him.
M: stop being dramatic.
N: Alex, she has a boyfriend and they seem fine.
M: little too sexual for me, but it's young love.
N: ooo tell me all about him once we get back to my place

You nod and realize what she said.

Y: wait what
M: yeah! She offered us to stay at her place! Sweet isnt it?

You nod and look down while Alex and your mom walk to the car. Niki waits for you and rubs your back.

N: is everything ok?
Y: yeah. Thanks
N: hun, you can talk to me. I won't tell your mom, I'm not that person.
Y: my mom hates Colby, and it's like she doesn't care that I'm uncomfortable with Alex, no offense.
N: yes i know. Alex can be like that sometimes and I'm sorry. I'll let you sit in front with me if you want
Y: ok thanks

She gives you a hug and you hug her back. You both walk to the car and she tells your mom to get in the back with Alex. You smile and get in the front the you all go to their house.

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