Chapter 7. Home for the night

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Place - living room
People - yourself
Time - 4:37pm


You run up the stairs Into his room dramatically falling into his arms

Y: all that yelling made my thought hurt. What's up
C: we could have matching pjs!!!

You stand up and he's doing a little happy dance. You can't stop but laughing and smiling. You get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever he smiles. Almost like it's contagious. A contagious smile.

Y: AH YES?!!
C: ok I have 2 pairs of the red and black plaid pants. I take it you have a black tank top or t-shirt?
Y: yes!
C: ok go change into these! I'll be downstairs!
Y: kk!

You take the pants and bolt to your room to change. After you change you knock on kats door

K: yeah?!
Y: come out!
K: kk

Kat opens the door and you run into her

K: AH-
Y: omg wait
K: ?
Y: your room smells so good
K: why thank you
Y: change into anything christmasy, I'm gunna watch the grinch downstairs
K: kk!

You hurry downstairs and bellyflop onto the couch next to Colby

Y: is it ok that I shut the lights off?
C: totally! It's my kind of vibe
Y: great.
S: did I hear movie?!!
C: come on down Sam!
K: I'll make the hot coco!
C: alrighty! Me and y/n will get it started

You Scotch up close to Colby and he wraps his arms around you.

K: you guys like milk sun yours right

C: yep!

Kat comes back with all the drinks and Sam comes back with all the snacks.

K:: look at you two! All snuggly

You blush and hide your face with your hands. He leans over to you and whispers something.

C: can we sleep in my room tonight? I have a surprise.
Y: oh? What kind of surprise
C: idk you'll have to see

You guys keep whispering through the whole move then he ends it with a kiss in your forehead.
You pause and continue looking at his with a gaze and then you move your focus onto the movie.

K: I'm gunna go to the bathroom
S: I have to change into Christmas pjs cause I'm feeling left out
Y: mk! Kat what kind of drinks did you get?
K: coke, sprite, white claw-
Y: omg you like that too?!
C: white claw was my first love
Y: tough
C: haha!

He smiles and you both get to drinking. You both lose count on how much you've had, but it was enough to get you drunk.

You and Colby watch as Sam and Kat enter the bathroom, and the bedroom. You feel Colby's hand brush up against your thigh and he looks at you.

Your both looking at each others lips and you grabs your cheek and pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss is heated and he lifts on you top of you.

You have your arms wrapped around his neck, and your head tilting every few seconds.

He was one hand on your hip, and one holding your cheek.

You scoot your body closer to his and then youu button his black button up t-shirt. You smile into the kiss while you pull back to kiss him neck. You feel his hands begin to rub your back and pulling you close.

You hear him groan and you open your eyes and look at him then smirk. He pulls you back and you toughens the kiss. Your both panting Into the kiss. You start kissing down his neck down to his abs, but stopped by hearing Sam whistle

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