Chapter 28, truth or drink

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Time - 1:34pm
People - Sam Colby and interviewer
Place - living room

S: ok guys I'm gunna start the live, then the interviewer will ask us a few questions! Makes sense?
Y: yep!
C: let's do this
S: hi guys!
Y: hiii!
C: yoo! Let's get right into this. What questions do you have?
i: what is the worst sexual scenario you've ever been in
C: oooo ok. So this one time this girl was using a lot of teeth.
S: ouch!
Y: i can feel that and I don't even have that part.
C: haha yeah, it hurt pretty bad. We never talked again.
S: makes sense. I'm drinking for this one cause you know.
Y: haha!
C: y/n your turn!
Y: oh yeah. so this one time this guy was like literally hanging onto my chest area for dear life then the day after I noticed I had nail marks.
S: oo-
C: ouch
Y: wasn't fun.
C: I didn't know you liked that stuff?
Y: I don't anymore
i: next question, Sam do you think you have a better style then Colby?
S: oooh that's a good one.
C: that is a good one. Now answer
S: I'm trying. Alright so like i think your style depends on your personality. Like if I was wearing Colby's style rn he would look better. But if he was wearing my style I'd look better, you know?
Y: i mean he didn't look that bad in your clothes
S: when did he wear my clothes?
Y: when I introduced him to my mom.
C: she's not really into the tattoos but oh well.
S: alright
i: Next question. This one is specifically for Colby
Y: oooo

You turn to Colby and it is obvious he doesn't know what it could be, and that he wants to find out what the question is.

C: alright
i: why do you have handcuffs in your room?

Everyone's jaws drop and Colby's eyes widen as he smiles uncomfortably looking at the floor.

C: uhh I'm taking a shot
Y: come on! Don't be so boring!
C: fine. I use them for personal fun.
S: the fuck does that mean?
Y: stop trying to sugar coat it.
C: judge does that count?
i: no it doesn't
C: what?!
S: spill it man
C: i use them for sexual fun. Does that count?
i: it does
Y: wait what
S: I'm surprised you didn't know that. You two have lots of fun.
C; live Sam-
S: playing games and stuff.. like family-

You hit sams arms and laugh.

S: ok ok I'm sorry! I was kidding!
C: that will not go away anytime soon. Ok next question?
Y: i want something spicy!
i: alright. What are two kinks that you have?
S: ohhh I'm drinking for this one
C: come on Sam-
Y: Colby I'm curious to see what you have to say
C: I'm drinking too

Colby fills up his glass and then he says fuck it.

C: the handcuffs count as one right
i: yep!
S: one down, what's the other
C: sorry mom
Y: wait your doing it?
C: yeah.
S: spill!
C: i like to be dominant.
Y: I saw that coming
S: Y/N?!
Y: what! Does he not look like it?
C: cause- never mind I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Y: good haha

Colby smiles at you then leans back into the couch.

S: thank you so much for asking the questions!
i: of course! Have a nice day you guys
Y: we will! Thank you
C: cya!
S: what now? Should we plan our next investigation?
Y: ooo alright!
S: where?
C: hmm bells witch?
S; it's a maybe-
C: we should ask the fans where to go
Y: sure
S: where should we go guys?
C: ooo someone said we should go back to bowers mansion
Y: you and Sam should do it alone! Like your old overnight videos!
S: that's not a bad idea actually
Y: see? Everyone is saying yes!
C: alright! I'll get the reservation ready!
S: k!

Colby runs upstairs to get his phone leaving you and Sam alone on the stream.

Y: when was the last time you guys did this? Like sleeping at a paranormal place
S: I don't know actually. It was a super long time ago, I know Colby liked it but we decided to stop because we didn't know what would happen.
Y: that makes sense.
S: what's taking him so long? He's just grabbing his phone
Y: he always takes such a long time. Also, where's Kat? I haven't seen her all day
S: she's not feeling well.
Y: aw poor Kat.

You get up and you go the the kitchen.

S: where are you going?
Y: to make her some soup! It's what our grandma did.
S: k!

You begin cooking the soup when your mom calls? You don't answer because your busy and you set a reminder to call her after.

After making soup -

You go up to Kats room and knock on the door.

Y: Kat?
K: yeah
Y: I made you the soup grandma would make us
K; did you really?

Kat opens the door and takes the food and thanks you.

K: thank you y/n, your the best.
Y: thanks, get better!
K: I'll try. Now shoo! I don't want you to get sick too.
Y: ok bye!

Kat waves to you and closes the door. You go to your room and you start scrolling on tiktok. You hear Colby run down the stairs to get back on the live with Sam, and then you hear him ask where you are.Your reminder to call your mom goes off and then you call her back.

M: hello?
Y: hi! Sorry I missed you earlier I was making Kat soup.
M: it's fine, look. We need to talk.

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