Chapter 43. Jan 2nd. (Pt 1.)

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Time - 9am
People - you Colby
Place - your bedroom

You wake up and feel Colby's grip around you. You smile remembering it's his 26th birthday. You slowly get out of his grip and go downstairs to get his present and card.

You have his black t-shirt and your gray shorts on  with his screen glasses and a high messy bun.

J: y/n?
Y: oh hey wsp
J: tell Colby I said happy birthday
Y: no, why don't you tell him?
A: cause he doesn't want to? Duh.

You roll your eyes and turn around to head upstairs and get back in bed with Colby, when you feel a hand on your shoulder. It's Jake?

J: please.

You quickly turn around and your face is only inches away from jakes. You pull away and look him up and down.

Y: no is no!

You go get the card and his present then you go back upstairs. You set the card and present on his side of the bed so that way when he gets up he sees it.

You climb back into bed with him and give him a kiss. He smiles and you softly laugh.

Y: morning birthday boy.

He smiles then gives you another kiss then pulls you on top of him and you laugh.

C: good morning love
Y: we're gunna have a great day today.
C: oh yeah?
Y: oh yeah.

You smile and you get off him.

C: noo
Y: cmon! I wanna show you something!
C: fine

You and Colby get out of bed and he sees the gift. He looks at you and smiles. You laugh and tell him to open it. He picks it up and you both sit on the floor and you sit close to Him.

He takes 3 presents out of the bag and he laughs. He opens one of them and he softly smiles and looks at you.

C: how did you get these?
Y: Sam told me.

Colby gives you a hug and you smile. He pulls back and wipes a tear off his face. The gift you gave him was a bunch of pictures of his old dog that passed last year, foxy.

C: thank you.

He says in a trembly voice.

Y: aww of course.

You give him another hug and he gives you a kiss. You smile and remind him he's not done with his presents. He opens his other present and his jaw drops.


You smile and he laughing and in pure shock.


You start laughing and he gives you a big hug and you both fall down. He's on top of you and giving you a hug. Your both laughing and he's still in shock. You both sit up and he looks at his other present.

C: the other two were so good. What could this possibly be?

You shrug and smile.

He takes it out and sees a bottle of lime juice and shot glasses.

C: oh no this isn't a good sign.
Y: you'll see what this is for later.
C: uh oh-

Kat bursts through the door with Sam and they were wearing party hats and skirts. you start laughing because this unplanned and Colby starts laughing with you and then you both stand up.


Sam and kat give Colby a hug and kat gives him a twirl and you and Sam laugh.

C: good morning to you too!
S: ok. Here's the schedule for today. First, we make you breakfast in bed. Now lay down. Then, we go to the club for a little, then we go ice skating, again. yes I know. Then after that we have a birthday dinner. Then-

Sam is cut off by you and kat laughing.

S: then there's a surprise.
C: like?
K: it's called surprise for a reason Colby!
C: jeez ok!
Y: haha! You'll see.
K: and you'll definitely like it.

You Sam and kat start laughing. Kat tells Colby to lay on the bed then you Sam and kat go downstairs to start cooking.

Y: I got the pancakes
S: I got bacon
K: I got eggs!

You all start making the food. You have the powders in one bowl and then kat does a soft blow on it and it gets all over your face. Your jaw drops and you slowly look over to her.

S; OH..?

You grab a hand full of flower and throw it at her and start laughing.

Y: HA!
S: GUYS! We have to be quiet.
Y: right. Kat

You and Sam laugh then you restart the batch.

After cooking -

You put the plate on the tray and then You put two pancakes on the plate with butter and syrup, then 2 pieces of bacon, then some scrambled eggs with ice cold water on the side.

Y: I think he's gunna love this
K: he better I worked hard

You smile then you go upstairs and knock on the door.

C: Ello?
Y: can we come in
C: yesss

Kat opens the door for you and you give him the tray with the food on it. He smiles and takes a deep breath.

C: wow this smells good
Y: haha
C: who made what?
Y: I made pancakes.
K: I obviously did eggs
S: bacon cause that's the best part
Y: the pancakes are but k

You start laughing and Colby takes his first bite.

His eyes open wide and look over to you.

Y: what?
C: these are so good..

He looks back to the pancakes and blows them a kiss.

Y: uh-
S: when y/n's here?

You all start laughing and sit down while he finishes.

C: alright. Now what?

You jump up.


Colby laughs while Sam and kat leave to let you guys change.

You get into this black dress that is above your knees, spaghetti straps, and string on the sides. Like it's 2 pieces of cloth front and back, but there's string holding it together.

You put on heels that have straps going up your leg that you tie.

(Look up heels with straps going around leg for better image.)

You put on your makeup, and you straighten your hair and put on silver jewelry. You turn to Colby and his jaw drops when he sees you.

C: holy fuck
Y: haha.

He walks over to you and places his hands on your waist and you smile.

Y: hi
C: hey.

He gives you a soft kiss and you pull back.

Y: uh uh. Nope
C: what? Why
Y: cause kat and Sam are going to be back soon.

You take a look at his outfit and see him wearing black skinny jeans with a silver chain hanging from his belt, a silver button up t-shirt and then a cross chain necklace.

And he puts in his earrings.

Y: holy..
C: hm?

He smirks.

Y: nothing-

Sam and kat walk in and they are both changed. Sam is wearing a white t-shirt and light blue jeans and kat is wearing a white dress matching yours with white heels.

Y: KAT!!
K: Y/N!!

You and kat laugh and you put on a leather jacket as Colby does the same.

Y: ready?
C: let's go!

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