Chapter 53. Key west!

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Time - 6am
People- you and Colby
Place - your bedroom

You wake up to your timer and you get up. Colby rolls onto his back and sighs.

C: I don't wanna get up
Y: you don't wanna go to key west?

Colby jumps up and runs to his room. You laugh and get dressed. You put on leggings and a white crop top with a grey hoodie over it all with a messy bun.

You put some mascara, highlighter, and lipgloss on then you grab your bags. You walk out and take the bags downstairs while you hear Colby walking around upstairs.

C: Y/N!

You run up the stairs to his room and look for him. You see him standing shirtless in front of a mirror holding up 2 shirts.

C: which one?
Y: hmm the black t. For sure
C: really?
Y: yep
C: ok thanks

He puts the shirt on and walks over to you and smiles. He places his hands on your hips and you wrap your arms around his neck. You both smile and you tilt your head to the side.

C: good morning.
Y: morning.

You softly laugh and he gives you a kiss. He then gives you a hug embracing you and Sam knocks on the door.

S: yo!
C: morning dude
S: morning! You two ready to go?
Y: yep! Cmon let's go

You both walk downstairs while Colby gets his bags and follows you down the stairs.

S: we have to meet Nate there
Y: ok!
K: morning guys!

Kat walks down the stairs and gives you all hugs goodbye.

K: fly safe!
C: we'll try
Y: what he said.
S: dw we will

Sam gives kat a kiss and gives her an extra long hug.

K: please don't be stupid
S: I'll try but too

He looks at kat and she smiles. He gives her one final kiss before you all head out to the car with your bags.

You drive while Colby sits in the front with you and Sam all alone in the back.

C: how's it going back there?

Colby says while turning around to look at Sam who's sitting behind you.

S: so far so good. Are we picking Nate up or meeting him there i forget
C: uhhh
Y: we're meeting him there
S: k I'll tell him we're on our way

You slam on the breaks making everyone fall forward.


You let out a sigh and keep driving. You look over to Colby and his face is frozen.

Y: what?
C: that was spooky
S: next time give us a heads up
Y: so I'm just supposed to know when a car is gunna run a stop sign?
S: yeah

You look at Sam from the mirror and smile.

Y: nvm

At the airport -

You find a place to park and you all get out. You take a picture of where the car was and you all get your bags and go in the building to look for Nate.

You get out your phone and you call him. The phone rings for a few seconds then he answers.

N: yo!
Y: hey Nate! Where are you?
N: I'm already at the gate
Y: already? Ok we'll be there soon

You hang up and you tell sam and Colby where he is.

C: already?

You laugh and you start walking over to your gate.

(Yes we're skipping the part where they scan your bags and stuff)

You all see Nate and he stands up. You all run over to him and he holds his arms up.

N: yoo! What's up guys!
C: not much brotha

Colby and Nate hug the Sam and Nate hug.

Y: wow so we're just leaving me out?

They all laugh and Nate opens his arms. You give him a hug while your still laughing and then you stand next to Colby. He holds your hand and you ask when you can start boarding.

S: like 30 mins
Y: ok

they all sit down while you stand and Colby opens his arms hinting you to come over. You smile and he does too then you walk over to him.

C: come here

You can't deny him so you sit down and he gives you a soft kiss. He pushes your hair behind your ear and you smile into the kiss while you feel Sam and Nate watching you.

N: guys..

You and Colby pull away from each other and you smile.

C: hm?
N: there's literally 5 year olds here
S: and they were watching you
Y: I was only a few seconds.
S: cause he made you stop

You shrug your shoulders and you rest your head on his shoulder. You close your eyes and try to sleep and he kisses your hand then holds it.

N: so what's the plan?
S: for what
N: key west
C: so the first day is a get to know the island day right?
S: yep!
N: ok. After-
Y: we're going to the beach right
C: if it's nice
Y: mk, go on Nate

They all laugh and Nate asks to know more ab Robert.

S: well know more about the doll there.
C: alr!
S: I'll go shopping for kat
N: same, just for my mom.
C: awww
Y: so cute
N: I know

Nate smiles and tilts his head while you Colby and Sam laugh. Colby pats your thigh and you look at him.

Y: yes?

He smirks and pulls you closer.

Y: Colby-

He adjusts you on his laps and hugs you.

S: keep it pg guys
Y: shut up Sam
S: uh-
N: damnnnn
C: can't wait till they go shopping

You smile and he looks at you. You give him what was intended to be a quick kiss but he didn't think so.

N: guyss
C: one second

He mumbles into the kiss. You start laughing then you pull back.

S: y/n I think you should sit over here
N: we don't know what all that eye contact your making means. Probably not good

You all laugh and you stand up. You stretch and sit next to Sam and lean back into the chair and try to sleep.

Your sleeping then Sam wakes you up.

S: yo y/n
Y: hm

You rub your eyes and sit up. You see everyone standing up and Sam tells you that your boarding. You all get on the plane and you sit next to Colby and Sam sits next to Nate.

S: we're right behind you so please no-
C: we're on a plane Sam.
N: he has a point.

You smile and lean back into you chair and sigh.

                  After the plane takes off -

Your on your phone going through your camera roll and you feel Colby's hand on your thigh.

Y: hi

You put your phone down and turn your head to face him.

C: hi

You both smile and he gives you a short kiss. He rubs your thigh with his thumb and you smile. He puts the arms rest up and you both scoot closer to each other and you lay your head on his shoulder while he wraps his arms around you.

You feel Nate kick your seat and you sigh.

Y: what?
N: just making sure your not doing anything.

You roll your eyes and Colby laughs.

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