Chapter 27. Concert!

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Time - 10:49am
People - Sam Colby Kat
Place - car

Y: are we almost there
S: one more hour.
Y: ugh
K: it's only an hour y/n you'll live
K; yeah?
Y: something is seriously wrong with you
S: guys!
C: what
S: trying to drive here
Y: sorry?
S: and Colby stop scrolling on y/n's insta
C: huh?

You see Colby shut his phone off and put it in his pocket.

K: your such a stalker
C: I'm really not
S: sure.

You and Colby look at each other and take out your phones to text.

Colby ❤️

C: hi ml🖤
Y: hi! how are you?
C: good. Missing you tho

You look at him and smile. He reaches his hand to you and you hold it.

Y: I miss you too. We will be out of the car soon though
C: ik, but still. Also we have people coming over tmrw to ask us questions. Like truth or drink type of thing
Y: ooo I like that!
C: you should
Y: and I will

Colby smirks at you and you stick your tongue out at him and you both shut your phone off.

Y: guys I have to use the bathroom
S: seriously y/n
Y: what?
K: is there somewhere we can pull over and go?
S: I mean-
C: there's a gas station a mile up
S: alr can you wait y/n?

You look to Colby and he realizes what you meant when you had to go.

C: she'll be fine.
Y: how would you know?
C: cause I know you can wait.
Y: how?
S: good question
K; Colby I swear if it's sexual I'm done.
C: alr.

You see Colby lean back into the seat and do the zip motion over his mouth. You laugh and Kat rolls her eyes.

S: alr here we are y/n
Y: thanks Sam I'll be quick
C: do we have water?
K: no
C: I'll get some
S: k, I'll come with
K: Sam here

After -

You guys get In the car, then you and Colby sit in the back making Sam and Kat go up front.

S: 30 minutes away guys
Y: about time.

You unbuckle and lay your head on Colby's lap.

C: this isn't safe
Y: we're never safe
S: wait what
Y: NOO not like that guys
C: haha they really thought
Y: ikr

You and Colby laugh and you look him in the eye. You look at his lips and how he smiles. He presses him lips against you and lifts you up on top of him. You take off his hat and run your fingers through his hair.

You smile as he rubs your cheek with his thumb. You bring your head to his shoulder and close your eyes and slowly drift to sleep.


S: yo Colby
C: what's up?
K: you need to wake y/n up.
C: I'll just carry her. I want her to rest
S: from what?

Colby shrugs and opens the car door and slowly gets out while holding onto you. Your arms and legs are wrapped around him, while his arms are around you. Your face where his shoulder and neck meets and he walks in the stadium with you.

Colby brings you all to get your seats and wait for the show to start. You slowly wake up and he's sitting down with Sam and Kat surrounding you two.

C: Hi baby
Y: are we there yet?

You mumble. Colby answers with a yes and laughs. You look up and him and smile.

You hear the crowd yell and you look at the stage and see a lady in the middle of the stage.

Y: no way. Is that-
C: lady Gaga!
Y: no way you like her?!
C: like? No I LOVE. Her!

You smile and stand up with Colby.

L: I know most of you guys know this song from the new show called Wednesday! Please, sing along if you want.

You turn and see Colby yelling and jumping.

Y: save your energy!

You start laughing at Colby and she starts singing Bloody Mary. You look over to Sam and Kat doing the Wednesday dance and copy them.

L: what song should we we do next?

Everyone screams bad romance and she keeps asking.

L: what?
L: I can't hear you!

The lights dim and she starts singing and you notice Sam and Colby dancing together singing all the lyrics.


You and Kat take each others hands and start jumping around while laughing.


You get pushed into Colby while Sam and Kat get pushed into each other.

Y: I love this song!
C: it's her best!

You all are dancing and screaming at the top of your lung.

Y: I want your love!
K: love love love
C: I want your love!!!

You and Colby are hoping around.

Y; You know I want you
C: you know I need you
Y: I want it bad!
C: your bad romance!
Y: I want your love
C: and I want your revenge
Y+C: You and me can write a bad romance! Oh oh oh oh ooohh!!!!

During the 5 min break -

C: don't your feet hurt?!
Y: doesn't your throat hurt?
C: yeah but it's fine!
Y: I can't stop yelling!
C: same here!

You both start laughing and you sit down and drink some white claw.

Y: that feels so much better
C: totally

Colby lets out a sigh and leans back into chair.
You look over to Sam making a video for xplr club and you get in.

S: what's up xplr club! We're at a lady Gaga concert rn!
C: it's totally lit!!!
Y: haha!

You feel Colby hug you from behind you and Kat says hi.

K: hey guys! I'm here too
S: how could we forget?
C: true
Y: ikr? Like be Fr Kat you make stuff so much fun!
K: looks like Colby makes it funny for you
S: what makes you say that
K: look at them! And did you see them in the car earlier
S: I was driving
K: right, we'll basically they were being all lovey Dovey back there. Also look at them now!

Sam turns around to see Colby hugging you from behind and kissing your neck with his hands on your hips.

S: Colby! Get off of the poor girl
C: she's mine though
K: y/n your really gunna let him talk about you that way?
Y: I mean it's true so like
K: oh my god.
S: she's back on stage guys!
L: hey guys! I know I had to cut the show short. I'm so sorry but something is going on right now.
C: wait what
Y: come on!
L: I'm so sorry. On your way out you will get a free shirt and money back!
S: whatt?
K: I mean at least we get money back?
Y: yeah I guess. Let's go home
C: k

You guys walk out of the stadium and it is super cold out.

Y: holy shit did it drop 30 degrees? Jesus
C: here

Colby gives you his sweater and puts your hand in his pocket to keep it warm. He gives you a quick kiss then you Sam Kat and Colby walk back to the car.

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