Chapter 48. Fight

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Place - your bedroom
Time - 10:32am
People - you and Colby

You and Colby have been awake for a few hours and your both on your phones. Seth calls Colby and he answers.

C: yo!
S: bro. Bad news
C: oh shit what's up?
S: is Jake staying in the same house as you guys.

You and Colby slowly turn to each other and your hearts drop.

Y: yeah. Why?
S: let me share my screen rq. I was on tiktok then i saw this video that Jake posted. This sucks man I'm sorry this happened

Seth shares his screen and its if Jake in front of your door recording the sounds of you and Colby.

C: fuck dude

Your too stunned to speak and Colby's furious.

S: I already reported it.
C: it's already been seen. fuck

You quickly get up and go to the door.

C: y/n-
Y: Jake! You fucking bitch!!

You walk out of the room and bang on Alex's door.

A: woah Jesus come in?-

You swing the door open and walk over to Jake.

Y: what the fuck?!!
J: what?
Y: the duck to you mean what?!!

Jake stand up and you slap him across the face.

Y: you bitch! Why would you do that?!!

Colby runs into the room and pulls you away from him.

C: y/n go to your room
Y: n-
C: now

You sigh and walk to your room and you see Colby shit the door behind him. You hear everyone yelling then it all goes silent.

Y: oh my god.

You keep saying under your breath. You go onto TikTok and go on the video. Your heart drops once you see the comments. Everyone's getting into you and Colby's business and you see a comment asking jake to actually show.

You put your phone down and start crying. You can't believe that this is happening. You feel like it's all your fault because you went onto him first.

You go over to Alex's room and stand in front of the door waiting for Colby.

C: why the fuck would you do that?
J: I don't know, to look back at it later?
C: fuck you.
J: she sounded nice tho
C: what did you just say?!

Colby punches jake on the nose making Jake fall back.

J: ow what the fuck dude!!

You hear Jake yell.

C: don't fucking talk about her like that. You had your chance man! Think if Tara! She wouldn't like this at all.
J: she wouldn't even talk to you
C; wanna bet?

You hear thumping and more yelling. You open the door and see Colby on top of Jake and Alex trying to get him off. You run over and pull Alex off of Colby.

Y: Colby!
J: yeah Colby-
C: shut the fuck up!

Colby keeps punching Jake and you keep trying to get him off.

Y: Colby!!

Colby doesn't answer and you start panicking.

Y: NIKI!!!
A: you fucking-
Y: Colby get off! Please!!

You hear walking down the hall then Niki walks in.

N: oh my god!

Niki runs over and splits them up. Everyone stands up and Niki hold Jake back while you hold Colby back.

N: what happened?!
J: he came in here and randomly starting fighting me!
C: What?!!

Colby try's to get out of your grip but then you make him look at you. He pulls you cooler and wraps his arms around you.

C: you fucking liar.
N: I'm going to ask y/n.
Y: ok so Jake posted some.. privet stuff.
N: like?
Y: like sounds of me and Colby last night
N: Jake! Bitch move.

You laugh and Niki tells you and Colby to bet out. You bring Colby back to your room and sit him on the bed.

You close the door behind you and you a wet towel. You walk over to Colby and sit on his lap. You clean the blood off his nose and he lets out a sigh.

C: I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I over reacted if it wasn't obvious

You smile and give him a kiss.

Y: I love how protective you are. But please Colby, how often do you get into fights?
C: before or after you.
Y: before
C: Pft uh depends. Like if it was at a bar Sam would have to drag me out

You take his hand and see it's bruises and a little bloody. You sighs and clean it off too.

C: I'm sorry.
Y: it's fine, really. Please, promise it won't happen again.
C: .. it depends what it's for
Y: Colby
C: yeah?

You give him a kiss and he smiles.

C; what time is it?
Y: 11:21am
C: shit i have the plane in a few hours
Y: we
C: what?
Y: we
C: like French we?

You burst out laughing and you stand up. You show him your packed bags and his face lights up.

C: no way!
Y: way!

He stands up and gives you a hug.

C: you know the days you've been gone I've been sleeping in your room?
Y: really?
C: yup!

You and Colby jump and lays haw drops when she sees Colby's face.

S: yo! Oh. What happened man?
Y: fight
K: about what?!
C: Jake posted a vid on tiktok of me and y/n's moaning during "alone time"
Y: Pft alone time
C: what do you want me to say? Devils tango?

You all burst out laughing and Colby gets his stuff ready while Sam and kat go downstairs to wait.

You put on grey sweatpants with white Nike socks and ugg slippers. You put on one of Colby's now or never hoodies and put your hair in a high bun and Colby gets into his white skinny jeans, and black button up t-shirt. (What he wore in the river the doll vid)

You look at him and smile. He walks over to you and gives you a kiss. You smile into the kiss and he places his hands on your ass and he softly laugh.

You both tilt your head into the kiss and he smiles.

Y: you look good
C: ik

You laugh and kat knocks on the door.

Y: yep!

You and Colby quickly back away from each other and you both walk out with your bags.

Y: wait I have to do something before we leave
K: hurry!

You run to you moms room and knock on the door.

M: who is it?
Y: it's me
M: come in

You walk in and smile.

Y: I'm leaving.
M: what? To go where
Y: I'm moving in with Sam kat and Colby
M: no!
Y: mom I'm over the age of 18, I can live wherever!
M: y/n that's a 3 hour difference!
Y: not like I'm in London

Your mom shrugs and walks up to you. She looks at you and you smile. She gives you a hug and smiles.

M: I'm sorry how I've been.
Y: it's fine mom.
M: I swear I'll be better. Good luck in Vegas

You smile and walk out to the car where Sam kat and Colby were waiting.

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