Chapter 14. Hotel room

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Place - hotel room
People - Colby
Time - 1:38am

Y: Colby
C: hm?
Y: I can't sleep.

You face over to him so you are face to face. You wrap your arms and legs around him and hug him. He hugs you back and kisses your forehead. You look him in the eye then you kiss him. He holds your face and tilts your head.

You smile into the kiss then you lift up on top of him. You lay on top of him with your legs wrapped around his waist so you are sitting up. He sits up with you and kisses your neck.

You bite your lip and you tilt your head back and to the side. His hands are at your waist and your thigh. Yours are around his neck.

You bring his lips to yours and you lay him down while kissing him. He smiles into the kiss then bites your lower lip.

Y: I really wish Sam and Seth weren't here rn.
C: ikr, I hate having to be quiet

You smile and kiss him again, this time a little rougher. Colby turns you over so he's now on top and your on bottom. You wrap your legs around his waist and he kisses your next slowly down to your chest.

Y: Colby-

You quietly grunt not wanting Sam and Seth to hear.

C: yeah?

He looks at you and you say you don't want Sam and Seth to hear.

C: ok.

He smiles and lays his head on your chest and wraps his hands around you. You play with his hair. You smile and sigh. He looks at you and makes a pout face with his eyes closed while smiling.

He brings his face to yours and kisses you. He rests his head on your chest again and you wrap your legs around him and kiss him goodnight.

Morning -

You wake up first and you see Colby is still on top of you snuggling you. You smile and softly laugh while you play with his hair to wake him up. You hear Sam move around in his Ben and you push Colby off.

Y: I'm sorry sams waking up
C: it's ok!

You feel as light as a feather when he got off you and you go on your phone to look like you've Bueb up for a while.

S: good morning y/n
Y: morning Sam!
Seth: can you guys quiet down? I'm trying to sleep.

You feel Colby's hand touch your leg under the blanket and your eyes widen

S: y/n you good?
Y: yeah your hair is-
S: ugh stupid hair

Sam stands up and goes to the front desk to ask for a comb. You sit up and go to the bathroom with Colby because Seth fell back asleep.

You wash your face with just the water to wake you up and Colby sits on the ground.

C: I'm so tired

He whines

Y: go back to sleep then

You softly laugh and turn to face him.

C: I wanna be with you tho

He says standing up. He steps closer to you and rests his hands on your waist and looks at your lips.

Y: Colby it's like 8:24am
C: ik.. just one kiss.

You gaze at him and smile.

Y: just one.

You smile and you kiss him and pull back 2 seconds after. You look him in the eye and he looks at your lips again. He licks his lips then you pull back for another kiss.

You wrap your hands around his neck and lean back a little. He sits you up on the counter and you wrap your legs around him.

He bites your lower lips and you softly groan. His lisps are soft. Softer then usual.

Y: did you do something to your lips?
C: maybe

He smiles and kisses your neck. You tilt your head to the side to give him more access. He starts kissing your jaw line.

You softly groan and you bite your lip. He brings his lips to yours and pulls you closer. He bites your lip, and you pull your body closer into him and he softly groans when you do so.

You smile into the kiss and tilt your head. You put your hand on the back of his head and the other around his neck.

You get off of the counter and you push your body against his. He is holding you by the waist and you move both your hands to his neck and deeply breath into the kiss to toughen it.

You both start tilting your head every few seconds. You open your mouth a little more so it is easy for him to French you. He moves his hand to your upper back and the other your lower back and you lean back, and he leans forward a little.

He smiles into the kiss and opens his eyes. You are out of breath. He kisses you again this time he doesn't stop. You grab the collar of his shirt to pull him closer and he does just that.

He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist, and your hands on his neck.

He is standing up with you wrapped around him and arms around his neck.

He slowly lifts you up and down on him and then he bites your lower lip.

You tighten your grip around him and you open your mouth again so he has more access again.

He heavily breath into the kiss, while you can tell he's enjoying it. You slowly go up and down on him and he groans into the kiss. You smile and you keep doing it.

C: please keep doing that..

He says in a breathy voice. He bites his lip soon after and then sets you down. He unbuttons his shirt and you do the Same with yours. You sit on the ground and he hovers over you. He kisses your neck and slowly grinds his body into yours.

You softly groan and hold onto his back. Your mouth is open and your eyes squinted. He brings his lips to yours to keep you quiet and you bite his lower lip. He moves his hand up and down your waist smiling into the kiss.

He pulls back so you both catch your breath. He sits back, puts his arms out behind him, tilts his head back and sighs. You both catch your breath and you climb onto his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. You slowly rock your hips back and fourth making him groan a lot more

You kiss him on the lips again and you continue to rock your hips back and fourth. His jaw is dropped and his eyes close with his head tilted back. You start kissing his neck and he puts his hands on your waist and moves you around on his lap.

He lets out a load groan and bites his lip. You have your hands on his shoulders and you kiss him on the lips again. He French's you and then You guys hear a knock at the door. It's Sam!

Y: fuck you go get that
C: ok!
S: hello? Guys?
C: coming!

Colby hurry's to get his shirt on and opens the door

S: Jesus Colby your out of breath.
C: just did a work out so
S: mhm. Seth!
Seth: what
S: how long have you been up

You and Colby shoot a look to each other in panic.

Seth: uhh like 5 minutes. Colby was that workout hard on you?

He smirks while looking at Colby

C: yeah just a little. I did it with y/n cause I didn't want to try something new on my own.
Y: that was super hard omg

You puts your hands on your knees and sigh.

S: holy shit guys
C: hm?
S: our room closes in 5 minutes! Cmon I'll just brush my hair in the car ig.

You all get in the car and head home.

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