Chapter 44. Jan 2nd. (Pt

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Time - 12:06pm
Place - club
People - you Sam Colby and lay

Y: does everyone have their id?
K: I do
S: same here
C: I got it
Y: alright. Same, let's go in now!

You all show your id to the person outside, and you head in.

Y: what first-
K: oh my god there's girls here being payed to give lap dances
Y: what?

You look to the side and see 3 guys being danced on.

Y: oh. Ok uhh let's go to the bar area.
C: yep
S: for sure

You put Colby's hand on your hand so it's a hint to the girls that he's taken. You all sit down at a table and Sam goes to get some shots of tequila.

Y: those girls are getting payed to do that?
K: I bet it's more then a stripper
Y: for real! What do you think
C: me? I'm not looking. But if I'd have to guess maybe these girls Bc they are getting to more guys?
K: fair.
Y: yeah that's probably right
S: alright guys we have 4 shots each coming our way so be ready
Y: only 4?
K: ikr
C: fr. Let's make it 6 or 8, I'll pay for the ones after
S: alr

This girl comes over and gives you each 4 shots.

?: have a nice night

She winks at Colby and he gives her a disgusted look. You look her up and down, and stand behind Colby.

Y: who tf are you winking at?
?: are you two-
Y: Is it not obvious?!

Colby pulls you in front of him and places his hands on your waist to make it even more obvious.

?: sorry that I didn't know, Jesus

She starts walking away and you give her the middle finger.

Y: I fucking hate prostitutes.
K: Y/N!!!

Everyone starts laughing and you sit back down.

S: she was just doing her job!
Y: flirting with Colby?!! I'll pass.

You take a sip of water before you all cheers for Colby birthday.

S: Colby you've been the best best friend ever and I can't wait for 26x26 with you.
K: Colby sure your annoying, but your my boyfriends best friend, and my cousin's boyfriend. Now I have to like you, happy birthday.

You laugh and look at him.

Y: Colby you've been so good to me and the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. Sorry Sam, and Ilysm and I really hope I can be here for your next birthday. happy birthday Colby

He smiles and gives you a soft kiss.

C: cheers!
Everyone: cheers!

You all take a shot and make a squinty face.

C: wow
Y: I think 4 of these will do
K: holy shit- Sam?

Sam is frozen in place still with a squinted face. You all start laughing when Kate jaw drops.

Y: what?

You turn around and see a guy getting on top of a girl and grinding into her.

Y: oh my god is that her boyfriend coming over?
C: what?

Everyone looks over while the girls boyfriend pushes the guy off of the girl and they get into a fight.

S: holy shit dude
Y: there's guys too?!
K: oh my god.
C: ew

You laugh and you all take another 2 shots..

C:  can we take these to go?
K: uhhh I mean we have solo cups in the car?
S: I'll grab them
Y: Hang on kat I have to ask you something
K; ok, Sam wait! Now go
Y: ok so for the surprise, do you know what I'm doing?
K: no
Y: oh god ok-
Y :this is gunna be funny, should we blindfold him to make it funnier?
K: yess!
K: coming!

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