Chapter 23. Settling

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Place - car
People - Sam and Kat
Time - 1:34am

K: see guys? He's going to be ok.
Y: mhm.
S: I'm going to take a short when wet get home
K: ok!

At home -

You walk into Colby's room and change into his favorite t-shirt then you slowly get under the covers. You can't sleep so you get his phone and you go on it. You go on his YouTube acc and look at the comments people put on the video of him introducing you.

?: shes so pretty! Your so lucky to have him y/n❤️

You smile at that comment but you keep reading then your smile slowly fades away.

?: she's such a pick me. Colby you should drop her!
?: shes your type? Really?
?: I can't tell if this is another prank.

You put the phone down and hold his shirt over your face. The smell of his cologne makes you feel safe. You call down and keep looking even though you know you shouldn't.

?: hi y/n! My name is Ava, I just wanted you to know that I think you and colby are so cute together! So happy for you and colby🫶🏻

You gain the smile again and you keep seeing the good comments. You go into TikTok and look at his fyp.

You see it's all just paranormal, Sam and colby, and music stuff. You laugh when you see a meme video of him and Sam. You take some pictures of yourself on there and decide to look at him camera roll.

You see a bunch of pictures of you sleeping and you two holding hands and kissing. You smile and set the phone down and grab a pillow to pretend it's him. You can't sleep so you just stay up binging all of him and sams videos until you fall asleep.

You wake up to hearing his alarm going off at 6am. You shut it off and get up. You pack some clothes that he would like. Black skinny jeans with a chain, his fav shoes, his tank top and hoodie.

You then change into leggings and a cropped white t-shirt with and a xplr crew neck and black Jordan's. You put some mascara and lipgloss on and you go to wake up Kat.

K: holy shit you scared the living shit out of me. What's up?
Y: let's go get Colby!
K: what time is it- it's 6:49am.
Y: please!
K: sh your going to wake up. The keys are on the counter in the kitchen
Y: Ty!

You blow her a kiss and run downstairs with Colby's bag and phone and then you get the keys then out the door to the car you go. You start the car are realize it's super easy tk drive. Well no shit it's sams Tesla. You start driving to the hospital and you sit in the waiting room until someone asks who you are waiting for.

?: hello! Who are you waiting for?
Y: colby. Sorry Cole Robert Brock
?: alright. Just need confirmation that you know him. What's your relationship with him? I'm his girlfriend.
?: alright. Date of birth?
Y: January 2nd 1997.
?: and you already said his full name! Let me show you him. He's still sleeping, so you will have to wait until he wakes up.
Y: alright!

You smile and get the bag then you head to his room.

You sit on the chair next to the bed and you watch the tv. He moves his head to you and smiles.

C: hi my love.

You smile and go up to him.

Y: how's you know it was me?
C: I could smell your perfume
Y: is it that strong-
C: no, it's smells good tho. Come here

He pulls you in for a kiss and smiles.

Y: I'm here to take you home
C: I'm so tired

He whines and you tell him you brought him white claw to get up. Of course you didn't, but you wanted him to get changed.

Y: here's your clothes.
C: almost like you knew I wanted this outfit
Y: almost like I knew?

You both start laughing and step out of the room to let him change. He pulls you back in and shows you the fit even though you chose it.

C: like it?

He runs his fingers through his hair, puts his arms up and spins around.

Y: I love it

You smile and he pulls you in for a kiss.

C: I missed you
Y: I missed you more.
C: no

You look at him and smile. He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder hugging you. You wrap your arms around him too and hug him back.

C: I like your shirt
Y: thank you

You softly laugh and he slowly rocks side to side with you. He moves his face to yours, but your not kissing. You both are just admiring each other and smiling.

He kisses you and moves one hand to your cheek pulling your face closer, and the other resting on your hip.

D: Cole, here are you papers- oh I'm sorry.

A doctor walks in and You quickly pull back from Colby and have an embarrassed look on both your faces.

D: I need you to sign these before you leave.
C: ok sorry about that.
D: it's fine. Sorry to interrupt
Y: it's fine-
C: we'll continue later.
Y: nice to see your feeling better

He smirks at you and hands the doctor the papers and both you and colby leave the hospital.

C: Sam let you drive his Tesla?
Y: I'm actually not sure he knows
C: sweet!
Y: wanna drive?
C: I wanna see you having fun
Y: bet

You both get in the car and you start heading home playing music. Colby has his hand on your thigh, playing your favorite songs with your favorite person, and the windows are down.

He rubs your thigh with his thumb and you stop at a red light.

Y: Colby I'm driving
C: I know.
Y: your gunna have to wait
C: I know.
Y: what are you thinking about?
C: oh it's nothing.
Y: cmon Colby
C: the light is green!

You turn back to the light and you press on the gas pedal making you and Colby fall back into the seat.

Y: sorry
C: that was fun
Y; I know right? I need to do this more.
C: I mean we are about to turn onto the highway..
Y: this is also sams expensive car..

He gives you a look and you take a turn off the highway.

C: what are you doing-
Y: pulling over so we can switch
C: what why
Y: you clearly want to drive
C: true.

You both get out of the car and you switch sides. Right as the seatbelt buckles he slams his foot on the pedal and you go onto the fat lane on the highway.

Y: slow down!

You start laughing and your passing cars. He is using his directional so that's good.

Y: COLBY! There's a cop up there!
C: shit.

He slowly goes on the breaks to slow down enough so he is only 5 mph above the limit so it's not a big deal.

You pass the officers and they don't come after you. You and Colby let out a big sigh and he quickly gains the speed up.

At home -

Y: did they seriously lock the door
C: I don't have the keys
Y. Neither do I! Kat open up!

You guys constantly ring the doorbell and knock at the door until finally Nate opens the door?

Y: oh hi nate!
N: yo!
C: what's good!

Nate dabs Colby up and you both walk in the house.

N: so here's what we are doing. We are going to the sallie house in a few-
Y: oh I watched that video last night! Your going again?
N: yep! This time with you though!
Y: ooo I like it!
C: what time?
N: I'm like 30 minutes.
C: alright! I'm going to take a shower and pack my stuff!

You follow Colby up to his room and help him pack and extra jacket and hoodie, snacks, equipment, lights and batteries. He gets in the shower while you research the Sallie house!

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