Chapter 5 home

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Time - 1pm
People - Colby
Place - shower

You face away from him and continue taking off your shorts. You beging washing your hair and you see Colby turn around to get some water
You move up so that way he has enough space but he pulls you back and you face him.

Your both gazing Into each others eyes. His hands on your hips, yours around his neck.

You find him looking at your lips and you make the move this time. You bring your lips to his and you tilt your head. You feel his touch on your cheek to bring your face closer. You start to bring your body closer to his. You smile into the kiss while he pushes your hair behind your ear.

He begins kissing your neck and it feels so good. He's sucking on your flesh and then you tilt your head so he has more access. He pulls back then you begin kissing his, doing the same. He tilts his head back and bites his lip. You begin sucking bud flesh then He brings his lips back to yours and toughens the kiss. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around him. He moves you up and down on him while you are kissing. He groans into the kiss and you do too.

You move his hand to your lower hip and he lets you. You roughen the kiss by grinding yourself against him and he lets out a groan.

S: guys if everything ok in there? I'm hearing a lot of uh. Groaning-
C: the waters hot
S: ok.. is y/n in the shower with you?
Y: no-
C: why?
S: 2 different answers? Mk. Have fun you two
C: Sam- fuck.
Y: sorry Colby.
C: don't be.

He presses his lips on yours and holds it. You both pull back and he sets you down.

Y: shit
C: what?
Y: there's only one towel.
C: it's gunna be cold out there. I'll go get you one.
Y: oh you don't have to-
C: too late

He hops out of the shower, wraps the towel around him then runs out laughing.

C: wait right there!
Y: ugh!

You sigh then chuckle. He's so sweet. You hear him running back with a towel and a shirt

C: hear you go!
Y: your literally the best. Crap it won't hold.
C: want help?
Y: yes please.

Colby helps you wrap the towel around you and you both walk out.

C: did I forget a hair towel for you
Y: Nah, I usually don't
C: ok cause I don't think I can remember 2 towels for one person
Y: same!

You both start laughing and then you put his t-shirt on.

Y: thanks again.
C: of course! Here's some pants
Y: you have everything! Thank you
C: I come prepared

You both laugh and then you walk out carrying some of his stuff.

K: about time! What were you guys doing?
Y: drying off, fighting for a towel, you know.
S: mhm.
K: wait y/n come here
Y: what?

Kat walks up to you laughing. She puts pressure on your neck and you groan

Y: ow!
K: omg is that a hickey?!
Y: what?!
S: guys come here. Look what I found on insta..

You all go around Sam and watch a video from you and Colby earlier.

K: you guys shouldn't kiss in public. Look at the comments..
Y: oh.
C: sometimes I hate people
S: really Colby? My gfs cousin?
C: what
S: I Said-
K: guys! It's Literally not a big deal. Do you want them happy or no?!
S: I-
Y: thx Kat.
K: ofc y/n!

She hugs you then you guys get in the car.

S: y/n your un the front.
Y: what-
S: please? Cant i know my gfs cousin
Y: ok ig

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