Chapter 12. First snowfall

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Place - streets
Time - 9:32pm
People - Colby

You run away from Colby like you are playing tag. He manages to catch up to you and he twirls you around.

Y: let me go!

You yell laughing. You look into his eyes like you are staring into the abis. You bring yourself closer to him and you kiss him. He cups your face and tilts his head. You both smile into the kiss.

You hold each of each others hands you hold them up. He wraps his arms around you and picks you up.

Y: how are your lips still cold?
C: idk. Keep kissing me and we'll see what happens

You laugh and you do just that. You tighten your legs around his waist and you begin kissing him again.

You softly laugh when he slowly starts spinning.

Y: Colby!
You shout laughing
C: yeah?
He says smiling. All you can do is admire his smile. You put both your hands on his cheeks and kiss him.
Y: I love you Colby Brock

You see his face paused. You could tell he liked it.

Y: want to hear it again?

You say raising your tone. You see his eyes move back to yours.

C: I love you too y/n    l/n.

You smile and kiss him and. He lets you down and rests his hands on your waist.

Y: I'm yours.

You softly say under your breath. You see him smile and his eyes meeting yours. He pulls your back into what was supposed to be a short kiss.

S: guys! Where are you?!

You hear Sam yell. You quickly back up from Colby and run over to Sam

S: why are you two out of breath
Y: this jerk wouldn't stop chasing me
C: jerk?
Y: you heard me-
S: ok let's not make it a big thing. Let's go home. It's gunna be a long ride home.
Y: ugh. Where's Seth?
Seth: heyy!
Y: heyy haha!
C: guys I'm tired can we go home
Y; just sleep in the car it's not that hard
Seth: what's up with those two- do they hate each other? Like what's going on
S: I think? Idk
Seth: ok. Let's go now it's freezing.
S: wait guys
Y: yeah?
S: we might have to get a hotel here.
Y: we are is Massachusetts!
C: is it because of the snow storm?
S: yeah.
Seth: I didn't bring any clothes, did you guys?
Everyone: no.
Seth: welp.

At a hotel -

S: alrighty. I'm going to take a nice hot shower.

Sam walks away leaving you Colby and Seth alone in the room. You pull out your phone and you start texting Colby.

Colby ❤️

Y: are you thinking what I'm thinking?
C: obviously!

Out of text -

Y: guys I'm going to ask for some more towels.
C: I need to ask for clothes.
Y: ugh Seth stay here I don't anyone else following me
C: what?!
Seth: ok-

You both slowly walk out of the hotel and before  you run down the street Colby stops you

C: i think they have sleds
Y: ah! Yes let's grab them

You guys go to get the sleds and you continue to bolt down the street to a hill. Colby chases after you smiling and then you finally find a hill.

C: I hear these sleds are pretty serious.
Y: oh really?
C: really.

You look at him.

Y: you only got one sled?
C: yeah, didn't want to take to much
Y: makes sense. Who goes first?
C: what?
Y: who goes first?
C: we can fit two people on this
Y: it's like a tube thing

He smirks at you then you realize what's he means

Y: oh. How could I don't think of that. Let's go!

He sets the sled down and sits on it. You slowly climb on top on him and you stretch your body over him trying to reach the ground to push you guys down the hill.

He starts laughing at you and you finally start going down the hill. You cling onto him and you don't loosen your grip.

C: I don't know!

You continue screaming in Colby's ear until it final makes a short stop making it tip over. You and Colby roll off of it and you both start laughing.

Y: oh my god that was so. Fun.
C: we should come to Massachusetts more where there's snow
Y: yess

You roll over on your side to look at Colby. You see him already looking at you with his bright blue eyes.

He sits up and so do you. You go over to him then you kiss him. You smile into the kiss and then you hug him. He lifts you onto his lap and you get the snow out of his hair.

Y: how are you not dying if hypothermia rn? Want my hat?
C: no I want you to be warm. You can warm my lips tho

You smile then you kiss him again. He cups your face and tilts his head for more access. You smile into the kiss and you also tilt your head.

You wrap your arms around his neck and you bring your body closer to his. He runs his fingers through your hair and pulls back to catch his breath but quickly pulls back.

He toughens the kiss by slowly moving his head every few seconds. You start doing that as well and you lean back a bit.

He begins kissing your neck and you let him. You tilt your head to the side while the snow keeps falling on you two.

He's still cupping your face with one of his hands keeping your face warm. The other hand is on your waist pulling you closer every second.

You quietly groan and he moves his lips back to yours.

Y: your lips aren't could anymore

You say while out of breath.

C: all thanks to you.

You smile and give him one more kiss then you stand up.

Y: we should back a snowman!
C: there's only a few inches of snow
Y: oh my god.
C: what?
Y: snowball fight!
C: bet!

He laughs and runs away to hide behind a tree. You quickly make snowballs and you go to hunt him down.

Y: I know your over there

You creep up to the tree he ran behind then you try to scare him. But he wasn't there

Y: what-

You get caught off by a snowball hitting you in the back. You jaw drops then you turn around.

Y: how did you-
C: you couldn't see the footprints?
Y: I didn't look.
C: well then that's how

He starts laughing and you jump on him still holding your snowball. He takes a bite out of it and starts laughing

Y: my snowball!
C: I had too

You both laugh and smile. He pulls you in for another kiss and you let him.

Y: you are truly something else
C: thank you

He smiles then pulls you in by the waist making you drop the snow.

You smile and tilt your head. He brings his lips to yours and then pulls back.

Y: we should go back now.
C: race you there!

Colby swiftly picks up the sled and then you race back to the hotel.

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